Like You Always Used To Do

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Title from The Cigarette Duet by Princess Chelsea


I was awoken by being kicked in the side. I fell over and looked up in confusion. Ronin was standing in front of me with his hands on his hips, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

''I woke you up fifteen minutes ago, yet you just kept on sleeping. Get up, now!''

''W-wait, what?''

''You heard me, get up!'' He growled before tapping my calve with his foot.

''You were here fifteen minutes ago? I legit don't remember anything. I don't remember you ever waking me up.''

''Well I certainly am now, so you better do as I say or you can go look for someone to train you elsewhere!''

I basically jumped up, saluting to Ronin with an exaggerated militaric tone. ''Sir, yes, sir!''

''Although that's more like it, drop the attitude and just go back to being a whiny teenager, that would be way more peaceful for me.''

I nodded and let my hand fall to my side.

''Now, follow me.''

''Are we going to the training yard now?''

''If you wanna call it that, yes.''

''Awesome!'' I exclaimed with both of my hands clenched into fists, getting into a fighting stance. Ronin just rolled his eyes.

''Don't go about your way thinking you can win a fight with a fighting stance like that.'' He crossed his arms and walked out of my room.

''Hey, wait up!'


We had been walking for about seven minutes now, and I could feel myself getting impatient. I began fiddling with the straps that kept my throwing knives into place nervously. The alleys seemed to be getting narrower the longer we walked. Thank god I didn't have claustrophobia.

All of a sudden, Ronin groaned and pinched his nose. It feels like we're doing that often. Rolling our eyes, groaning, sighing, bein annoyed, insulting each other...seems like a wonderful friendship to me.

''What's the matter?''

''It's way too quiet.''

''And that's why you're so annoyed you have to start groaning?'' I asked as he groaned again and turned to me.

'' I can do whatever I want to, brat, I don't need your permission or reasoning to do it!''

''Alright, alright...jeez.'' ''Anyway, we're here.''

Ronin took a turn left and I immediatly saw a bunch of junk laying around. Mostly old training equipment that seemed to almost only consist of broken stuff.

''I found this maybe a month ago, I figured it would be a good place.''

''It does seem to be quite empty.''

The houses surrounding the place were almost completely burned to the ground, only a few stone walls were left standing. These walls threw quite a lot of shade onto the backyard, but was at the same time a great way to block out looks from anyone who came here for any reason. Most of the ground was covered in sand that spilt from the punching bags that had gaping holes in them.

''What are we waiting for, then? Let's start!'' I exclaimed excitedly, I couldn't wait to finally get to kick some ass!


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