Grave Danger

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''Wait! Ah damn it, I forgot my daggers inside, I'll be right back!'' I said as I patted the outside of my legs where my weapons were usually strapped to.

'Leave it to me to forgot something so important when I barely have anything in my possession to begin with.' I thought to myself and speedwalked across the Gankplank.

''You better hurry, or-''

''Yeah, yeah, Bansha, I get it, you don't trust me. But c'mon! Theoretically speaking, we got all the time in the world. Who's gonna stop us, the Ninja? As far as we know, they're headed for their demise right now!''

She was just about to open her mouth again when I interrupted her again.

''And no, I'm most definitely not going to just sneak out and run away, now give it a rest, will you?''

I could tell she did not like the way I was talking to her but, seeing as Morro was eyeing her as if wanting to say 'tread lightly or I'll snap your neck', there wasn't really a lot she could do except frown.

So, I walked across the dock, the rotten wood creaking under my feet as I made my way back to Ronin's shop.

It didn't take long since Stiix wasn't a very big village and before I knew it, I opened the door of the shop and stepped inside, only to be greeted with Ronin, frozen mid-motion who had a supiciously guilty look on his face.

''Erm, what're you doing here? I thought you headed to the tomb with your new ghost friends,'' He said, a reproachful undertone audible in his voice.

''I forgot my daggers. You didn't steal them, did you?'' I asked and then spotted them laying on a table. ''Oh, nevermind.'' I quickly walked over and grabbed them, strapping them to my legs where they were supposed to be.

''But, shouldn't I be the one asking what you're doing?

''W-well, uh, you see...I-I...'', Ronin stammered, avoiding my eyes at all cost.

''You know I won't snitch if you're gonna sneak out.''


''Just because I'm on Morro's side now doesn't mean I hate you. You're still my friend.''

''I'm not sure whether you know that one's not possible with the other.''

''Look, I did this because the Ninja were being major dickheads to me, it has nothing to do with you. I don't want you getting hurt, if you know what's good for yourself, you'll go far away and get yourself to safety.'' I said, stepping forward and putting a hand on his shoulder.

''Look, I don't know if you're being ignorant or just plain stupid right now. You do realize that if Morro gets the Realm Crystal, he'll curse the entirety of Ninjago, not just a few areas. I won't be able to simply avoid it by running away!'' He shrugged my hand off and furrowed his eyebrows.

''And if you haven't noticed it by now, the Ninja are my friends! And if they're your enemies, I guess that makes us enemies as well.''

Without another word, he pushed past me and all I heard was the slam of the door before I was left alone in the room. My body seemed to be frozen, invisible strings tugging at my heart as I breathed in shakily.

He was right. There would be nothing left of the world as we know it if Morro succeeds.

Regret started to twist my stomach and settled deep into my bones. I'd lost the last and oldest friend I had left in this world. I'd taken a huge gamble and staked everything on one card that was Morro. If this failed, I'd have nowhere to turn to, nowhere to go.

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