First Theft

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It had been two days since I had become a human magnet and let me tell you, it's been hell. My hair was greasy, it felt like my skin was covered in a thin layer of dried sweat, I was desperately craving some toothpaste to clean my teeth, my water was running low and since Ronin didn't financially support me anymore (although, did he ever actually do?) I hadn't eaten since I ate that sandwich.

I sat in the corner of my room and stared at the wall. I was bored out of my mind. Ronin wasn't here, he hadn't been for hours and the hole in my stomach didn't leave me any rest.

''Ronin said he was a thief, right?'' I mumbled to myself as my thoughts began drifting into stealing a wallet or two.

I mean, I wouldn't mind. I've thought about these kinds of things a lot before and I had come to the conclusion that I wouldn't really feel guilty for stealing a wallet. But what concerned me more was that I had no idea how to. I would just get caught instantly.

The other option would be to look for a place in the city and beg for money, That's something I wouldn't do unless I was extremely desperate. And I wasn't yet, so stealing came closer.

With a sigh I stood up and opened the doors of the closet. I took off my two daggers and the harness that strapped the throwing knives onto my lower back and put them on one of the shelves before closing the doors again.

''Time to head out.''


I was going with the flow of the crowd, many people around me talking on their mobile phones or texting away.

'Well this seems like there are many opportunitys for me.' I thought to myself, not exactly sure what I was looking for.

The sun was already beginning to set and there were many people in suits who had just gotten off work. I didn't have my hood or my bandana on, because that...just seemed too obvious. Instead I was walking around with my hands in the pockets of my jacket and my head down, constantly scanning the people around me.

'Looks like this'll take a long time 'till I actually- oh wait, nevermind. Found someone!' I thought to myself as I saw a tall man in a suit talking loudly into his phone. But my actual target was the wallet that I saw the outline of in his back pocket.

'This guy's really stupid...doesn't he know to always put his wallet in his front pocket?'

I slowly walked to the left so I could get closer to him. My heart started beating heavily, blood rushed into my ears and I could feel the adrenaline beginning to pump through my veins.

'This is it...don't mess this up'

I was starting to feel a little sick to my stomach but I slid my left hand out of my pocket nonetheless. 'One of the few times I'll actually be happy about being short...I don't think anyone will notice this, since most of the people can look over my head.'

I slid my fingertips into his pocket, trying my best not to move them to much. This turned out to be rather difficult since he was walking at a a fast pace and taking large steps. I grasped the top of his wallet with my nails and locked it inbetween them. I slowly pulled it out and, as soon as it was out of his pocket, I slid the desired item in the inner pocket of my jacket.

I breathed one heavy, silent sigh of relief and was just about to start heading back when I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around and stared a cop in the face. His blue uniform immediatly gave him away. My heart dropped and all I could think was 'fuck'.

''Excuse me-''

I didn't let him finish but pulled my hood up instantly and scurried into the opposite direction whilst keeping my head low. I could hear the guy shouting after me but I paid no attention to him. I kept my hands in my pockets, feeling the wallet through the fabric of the jacket and getting swallowed by the crowd.

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