Kai's Ending #01

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I dunno why I suddenly felt like making a Kai ending but here you go


''NINJA GO!'' A voice cut through the air and the stone giant got hit by a firery tornado whiich made him stumble and fall onto his side, small fractions of his armor breaking apart. ''Kai?'' I said in confusion as I looked up at the brunette standing in front of me with a katana in his hands. ''Stay back.'' He ordered me and charged forward, the blade in his hands being enveloped in flames. With one swift hit, he slashed the sword at the chest of the stone giant, making the moss on it's skin go up in flames and even more parts of stone fall to the ground due to the impact. The beast schreeched one of his signature screeches and charged forward as well, missing Kai by only an inch. Since the giant had his back turned on him, the brunette used this to his advantage and attacked once more, this time landing a final blow which made the stone warrior fall into pieces, or rather boulders. Each one that hit the ground quaked the earth, thankfully I was sitting on the ground so I couldn't fall over. Kai put his katana back in it's sheath and then turned to me, a frown on his face. ''Do you know what could've happened if I hadn't saved you?! You would've been dead!'' I looked awkwardly to the side, trying not to look into his furious eyes. ''But I'm not, am I?'' He growled in a deep voice. ''Yes, but you can't just jump off the bounty with a carefree attitude like that, you have to take life more seriously!'' ''Well I'd say my carefree attitude has gotten me pretty far, hasn't it?'' ''That's not what this is about! You have to take things more seriously, you're gonna get yourself killed! Now come one, we're going back.'' He grabbed my arm and pulled me up rather harshly and started stomping away without letting go. ''I can walk on my own, you know!'' I snapped at him and pulled my arm away harshly, then started walking next to him. But damn, that was harder than I thought it would be. Since Kai was about 5''9 and I was 5''2, his legs were way longer than me and he also was angry which meant he was taking long stroked in his fit of anger. I tried my best to keep up without having to run but that turned out to be really hard. Kai sighed. ''You clearly can't walk on your own.'' ''Yes, I can. It's not my fault your legs are so much longer than mine.'' ''Then do better than that.'' ''For a second I thought you cared about me since your speech seemed pretty heartfelt back there but I guess I was wrong, huh?'' I said and suddenly felt a small sting in my heart. But why...? It's not like I cared about Kai's insults and everything before, why was it that now I could feel my stomach tightening at the fact that I'd even thought a second about something as Kai actually caring about me. The Fire Ninja didn't answer, simply kept walking with furrowed eyebrows and a scowl, trying his best not to look my way. ''I asked you something.'' ''And I didn't answer, isn't that enough of a hint for you?'' He snapped back at me. ''No.'' ''Too bad.'' After that it was silent for a while but Kai seemed to calm down more and more the longer we walked through the thick forest. ''Why are you even here?'' I asked, suddenly noticing that he'd just appeared out of nowhere and I didn't even know why. ''After you decided to go skydiving'', he shot me a glare. ''Lloyd gathered everyone and we split up to go looking for you. He and Zane also...'', He cut off. ''What? What did they do?'' He grumbeld before murmuring something under his breath. ''What was that?'' With a groan he spoke up. ''They scolded me as if I was a little child, can you believe it?! He told me to make up with you as if that's ever gonna happen!'' My heart stung a little more at his words yet I pushed the feeling aside and tried to approach him gently. ''Maybe we should.'' ''Yeah, right.'' ''I'm serious, Kai. We can't just keep fighting forever, it only gets in the way of the team.'' He stopped walking and opened his mouth to start talking but I did before he could. ''And don't you say anything about me not being part of the team! Because people come and go, Kai, and you can't just deny everyone who wants to come.'' He shut his mouth again, crossed his arms and leaned against a tree. ''Let's just talk this out, okay? At least give it a try.'' He huffed and reluctantly nodded. ''Fine.'' A small smile crept it's way onto my lips and I sat down onto the dry forest floor and motioned for him to do the same. ''Kick back and tell me what's bothering you.'' ''You are bothering me.'' He replied but sat down in front of me nonetheless. ''Let's get more specific than that. When did I start bothering you?'' ''Ever since you tried to drown me on Chen's ship.'' ''And after that?'' ''Nobody gets away with trying to drown me.'' ''So the only reason you were so pissed at me was because of something that happened a month ago?'' I asked with a raised eyebrow. ''That wasn't just something, you tried to kill me!'' ''I did not, but if it makes you feel better then...sorry for trying to drown you on Chen's ship. I promise I won't do it again.'' I said with a wink since I knew that my wording was pretty bad on that one yet Kai didn't seem to notice and only...blushed slightly at my wink? Okay, what the fuck. ''Now, is there anything else?'' ''...I don't think so.'' ''What about Skylor?'' ''About her...'' He clenched his hands into fists. ''I know she only thinks of me as a friend and I don't even know why I'm still so angry about that. I guess I just wanted to have someone to blame for her rejecting me and I'm sorry about that.'' I was stunned, to say the least. I'd never seen Kai open up like this and talk about his true feelings this honestly and I'd like to keep it that way. ''You know, back on Chen's island when you were under Clouse's control, I kinda doubted everything I'd thought about you. And...when you said that you were on orphan, I actually felt really sorry since I know how that feels but...I didn't want anyone to know that I felt that way and...why am I even telling you this?'' He groaned and burried his face in his hands. ''There's nothing wrong with telling me this, on the contrary, it's good! I mean, we're currently making up, didn't you realize that?'' ''I...no.'' I shifted a little closer to him so our knees were almost touching. ''You know, Skylor once said something about both of us being like bombs. If one goes off, the other does too.'' ''And?'' ''And...I dunno, I just wanted to mention it since it was pretty fitting. But right now you're not acting like the usual bomb but you're just so calm.'' ''Did you just say I look bomb?'' He said with a cocky smile. ''Yeah, sure, Smith.'' ''Why are you calling me by my last name now, I thought your nickname for me was hotshot?'' ''It's both fitting.'' He smiled slightly before getting up again and extending his hand. I took it but he didn't let go and simply held onto it. ''Um, Kai? Could you let go of me hand?'' He was silent for a minute and looked at the floor before looking into my eyes. ''Do you trust me?'' ''I...guess?'' 'Okay, I'm fucking confused. What's this about?' He turned around and started pulling me along with his hand still in mine. The both of us just walked through the forest until the trees had started turning broader again and I was starting to get suspicious. ''Kai, do you even know where we're going?'' ''...no.'' ''Jesus Christ, why are you even pulling me along then?'' ''Because I need to tell you something.'' ''And you couldn't have done that ten minutes ago?'' He sighed and stopped walking. ''Truth is, I don't really want to tell you.'' ''Then don't. It's as simple as that.'' ''For you, at least.'' I leaned my back against a tree and crossed my arms. ''I mean, you could always just say it quickly. I do-'', I was shut off by him leaning down and pressing his lips on mine. Kai's hands found their way on my hips and pressed me gently against the rough bark of the tree. He tilted his head to the side so our noses wouldn't bump together and stayed like this with his eyes closed, his thumbs stroking up and down my sides softly. The feeling of a kiss...was foreign, to say the least. It wasn't uncomfortable, on the contrary, it made my heart flutter and my stomach twist in the best way possible but it was just so unexpected. With slight hesitation and nervousness, I locked my hands behind his necks and closed my eyes as well as stand on my tip toes so the kiss would be more comfortable. After a little while, he slowly pulled away and I buried my face in his shoulder so he wouldn't see me as emberassed as I was. His gi smelled like it had just been washed and it was really, really warm. Probably one of the advantages of being a fire ninja was that you rarely get cold. ''I...really, really like you, (Y/N)...'' I slipped my hands slightly down so they were resting just above his shoulders and then squeezed tightly. ''Do you...feel the same?'' ''What do you think, hotshot?'' I let my gaze wander to the ground without pulling away. I felt one of his hands on my hip disappear and then grip my chin, tilting it upwards so he could look at my face. His amused brown eyes looked down at the redness in my face and into my (E/C) eyes. ''Aww, did I make your heart melt, sweetheart~?'' I could feel even more blood rushing into my cheeks at that statement. ''You're a big flirt, you know that?'' ''Admit it, you like it.'' He said in a low voice and gently pushed me back into the tree, letting the one hand he was holding my chin with rest against it so it hovered above me. ''Y-yes but I can't really handle flirting without getting flushed.'' ''That will be useful information for the future, thank you~'' He said in a singing voice before pecking my lips once more and then turning around and walking away. ''W-wait, where are you going?!'' ''We still have to get back to the bounty, remember?'' Oh yeah, almost forgot about that. I quickly caught up to him and grabbed his hands, intertwining our fingers. ''See? Making up wasn't that bad nor hard.'' I nudged his side and he chuckled.
''Yeah...you're right.''

Opposites Attract // (Ninjago x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora