The Last Resort

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Word Count: 9900

So, uh yeah, I know it's been 5 months since I've last updated but I hope you like the new chapter. I could talk about why it took so long but I doubt many of you are that interested in my personal life so I'll spare you lwwadjbo

Oh and by the way I made a Spotify Playlist for this story!

There you go. The songs are roughly in chronological order and mirroring or referencing events that take place in the story. And I find that the song 'Black and Red' That's on there is pretty fitting for the way I'm gonna conclude this season so if u wanna theorize a lil on what's gonna happen o.o pls do comment it im curious what u guys think

uhh anyway, enjoy


''Ow! Do you have to be that rough?''

Jay let out a pained yelp and pulled his arm away from the nurse that had been treating his bruise. The nurse let out a scoff. She was the same one that had treated the cut Nadakhan had given me before we'd left to rescue Jay.

''Do you want me to help you or not?''

''I want to not feel like I'm getting beat up all over again!''

''I thought you were a ninja! One of Ninjago's greatest heroes. The least you could do is handle getting a bruise treated.'' She said and pulled his arms back at which he let out a muffled groan of pain. I was certainly not looking forward to her treating me afterwards.

Right now, we were in a spare room of the police station, where we'd been holed up in an attempt to protect ourselves from Nadakhan. Dozens of policemen were stationed outside the building, trying to keep anyone who wasn't supposed to be in out. And since we weren't allowed to leave, someone from the hospital had been called to try and get us battle ready again. I didn't exactly know where Nya was but she had to be somewhere close.

Jay was looking a lot better than before already, a proper night of sleep and a good meal were able to almost completely restore him back to good health. Which was good, because that meant our chances of dying were only slightly lower.

I, on the other hand, still felt like death. My muscles ached and my head spun whenever I stood up too fast.

The nurse quickly finished up treating Jay and then turned to me. There wasn't a lot she could do, seeing as most of my injuries were bruises as well, however, she did put a bandaid on a particularly deep cut on my left cheekbone.

''How're you holding up, Jay?'' I asked, trying to start some sort of conversation.

''Well, I guess I'm doing okay. But to be honest, I really should be asking you that question. They did a number on you as well.''

''I'll live. At least I hope I still will by the time all this is over.'' I huffed a quiet laugh. The nurse next to me who had just unwrapped the bandage on my forearm paused, her breath getting audibly caught in her throat. I looked down at my arm to see what had her so shocked.

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