Training and Cooking

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Sweat was flowing down my forehead as I tried my best to stay upright and face my opponent head on. Gripping my daggers tightly, raising them and getting into a fighting stance, I charged forward once more.

I aimed for his chest, yet before I could hit him he dodged by rolling around me and then kicked at my feet, making me almost fall on my back yet I managed to avoid that by using the momentum of the fall to roll over and get up again. I was panting heavily yet my opponent left me no time to catch a breath as he threw his shurikens at me. I rolled out of the way and then jumped on a random wooden log before something...weird happened.

As I was about to use my advantage of the high ground and jump at him, my vision changed. As if in slow motion, everything suddenly lay under a filter of dark red, the surprised eyes of my opponent staring at me. Reddish auburn sparks that glistened like shiny metal surrounded me like a tornado. All of a sudden, everything sped up again and, without any control over my newfound power, I crashed into my opponent, sending both of us flying to the ground.

''Damnit! Almost had it!'' I said with gritted teeth before noticing that I was literally laying on Zane's chest.

''Do not stress yourself, learning spinjitzu takes time and patience.'' He said as I got off of him and helped him get up.

''Still. It was so close! Okay, let's try again.'' I said, already getting into my fighting stance.

''I think it's best if we call it a day.'' My stance faltered.

''What? But why? Come one, just one more time, I promise I'll get it right this time!''

''We have been training for five hours straight, I think you deserve a break. Besides, aren't you on duty tonight?''

''...duty? Oh, yeah. Cooking ''duty''. '' I said, putting the duty in quotation marks since it was rather weird to call something like me having to cook dinner a duty. But it was the word everyone used so I used it too.

''Thanks for training with me, Zane. I really appreciate it since...the others really aren't that happy about me being on the team.'' I said with my gaze fixated on the ground as I let the training daggers fly back to the place where the training weapons were stored and doing the same to Zane's shurikens while I was at it.

''You are part of the team now, why shouldn't I accept you as one?'' I sighed.

''I dunno. Maybe it's because the others don't really like me because of something I did or something I said or something else and I'm just confused since they don't talk to me even if I'm the one trying to strike up the conversation!'' We walked off the deck of the Bounty and into the hallway leading to the kitchen.

''But why would they not like you?''

''Like I said, I dunno. But it's not really that they hate me, it's more like the fact that they ignore me and don't acknowledge my presence even if I'm in the same room as them.'' We took a turn left and saw Cole walking towards us.

''Hey, Zane! Off to prepare dinner, ey?'' The Earth Ninja said with a wave and Zane replied with a nod before Cole passed us and walked down the hallway we had come from.

As soon as he was out of hearing range, I spoke up. ''See what I mean? He said hello to you and didn't even spare me a glance!''

''Perhaps that was because he did not see you?'' My eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and I felt my eye slightly twitching. I looked up at Zane, noting that he was about 6"3 and thus almost as tall as Cole.

'Fucking giants, why does everyone on this flying ship have to be so tall?'

''I might only reach his chest but he should still be able to see me, thank you very much.'' I slightly snapped, not meaning to be rude to Zane but rather out of habit.

Opposites Attract // (Ninjago x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara