The Day of The Dragon

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The elemental master all cheered as the zepplin was destroyed. Well, everyone except me. I simply watched with a small smile.

''Destroy the ship! Chen mustn't get off this island!''

''Wait!'' I yelled but it was already too late; the Master of Nature had wrapped vines around the ship that crushed it with their force. Jay looked at me with a questioning expression. ''Ever thought about how WE are gonna get off the island, sparkplug?''

''Yes, actually. Wu and Misak-SPARKPLUG?!'' He screamed at me.

''Calm down, it was supposed to be a nickname, not an insult.'' I snapped back.


Cole arrived and the ninja gathered together to discuss what they had (or hadn't) found. I noticed someone behind me and turned around to see Neuro looking down at me. I looked up, waiting for what he had to say.

''I'm sorry.'' I raised an eyebrow.

''For what?''

''For not telling the others about Chen's intentions as soon as I had the chance and instead wanting the staff for myself.''

''Oooh, that! I already forgot, to be honest. Which means it practically never happened.'' I held out my hand with a grin. ''Nothing to worry your head over.''

He smiled and shook my hand. Griffin walked over to us to strike up a conversation. He was probably bored too. We all knew we had to act but there were so little clues. In the middle of the conversation, Neuro suddenly held his head and bent over slightly.

''What's wrong?'' I asked concerned.

''Skylor just sent me a message. Chen can use her powers to complete the spell.''

''Where?'' I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

''On the opposite side of the island.''

''On it.'' I said before summoning my elemental dragon as if it was the easiest thing to do. ''Griffin, you tell the ninja. And tell them I'm on my way there as well.'' I commanded before putting on my bandana and flying off with my dragon.

Speaking of, how did I summon him just like that? It had felt like the right thing to do and before I knew it, dark red mist had emitted from my hands and turned into the giant dragon.

I shrugged it off for now as we gained height. The harsh wind brought tears to my eyes yet it felt so freeing to FLY on a FREAKING DRAGON! All of a sudden, a green elemental dragon along with a black jet emerged from the thick blanket of leaves below me. I steered my dragon to Lloyd's.

Before I even came face to face with him, he had already spotted me and waved. I waved back and concentrated on the road ahead of me. Well, in a figurative kind of way. Since there wasn't actually a road, you know?

It didn't take long until I spotted the ruins of a village below me. And wouldn't you know it, there was Chen's helicopter-jet-kind-of-thing flying above it, probably following Skylor. Lloyd landed his dragon whilst Cole started attacking Chen's helicopter/jet. I took the opportunity to delve deeper down.

My eyes scanned the area and soon enough I saw Skylor on a hoverglider kind of thing running away from Chen's soldiers. The cargoes radiating off the massive vehicles they were driving practically screamed me in the face. The guards cornered Skylor and I saw my chance. With one enormous push (feat. me) they all flew against a wall, some of the vehicles exploding. I landed my dragon in front of her.

''Need a ride?'' I asked with a sly grin as I extended my hand. She smiled and took it without hesitation, hoisting herself up to sit next to me. More soldiers started to appear and corner us.

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