The Way Back

952 69 103

Word Count: 9200

This is it, this is the end of season 6. Hope you all suffer when reading this angst-filled beast lol. 


I was staring at the back of Jay's head, wondering exactly what was going through that airhead's brain as he stood further away from the rest of our group, his stare fixated on a building in the distance which looked a lot like a temple.

''I can't believe I'm saying this but thank you.'' I turned around to look at Kai who was sheepishly glaring to the side, arms crossed over his chest. ''All of you. I don't know how we'll ever be able to repay you.''

''Let's just say you owe me one'', Skylor replied with a smirk.

''Or a few thousand.'' Ronin butted in immediatly next to me. ''If we're talking denomation of currency.''

However, when the rest of the Ninja team only stared at him with raised eyebrows in return, he let out an unbelieving sound.

''What, no reward?''

I grunted a laugh. How very Ronin of him.

''Hey, you'd do the same for us. Only with less pizzazz.'' Darreth played it down, puffing out his chest proudly.

''I hate to break up the reunion but may I remind you there's a wedding to stop?'' Jay joined in, walking over from where he had been looking at the temple. He seemed on edge, not that I could blame him.

''That's right. How many wishes do you have left between the two of you?'' Misako asked. Jay and I exchanged a look.

''Two. I have one left, Jay has one left.'' I replied.

''What about the poison? Do you have it?'' She continued asking. I looked at Jay, seeing as I had given him the dart way back at the lighthouse.

''I have it.'' He said with a nod and pulled out a glass tube with the dart inside it from somewhere inside his gi. ''But the blowpipe sorta got lost...''

''Then we'll have to find another way to hit him with it. I'll stab this into each of his four arms if it means getting my sister back.'' Kai decidedly said, determination written clear across his face. ''Come on, there's no time to waste.''

He jogged ahead, the rest of the group following closely behind. However, before we could get far, Lloyd, who was still aged up, called out for us to hold on.

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