Operation Land Ho!

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Word Count: 7.600

I expected the fall to be long, yet in the blink of an eye my back collided with the ground and the portal above closed itself, revealing the starry night sky. It was so quiet my ears were ringing with silence which was so contrasting to the noise of fighting. The salt in the air was gone, replaced by cold and dusty wind.

Turning my head to the left, I saw Jay lying next to me with his mouth wide agape and chest heaving. Tears were welling in the corner of his eyes.

''Nya...'', he whispered, almost inaudible despite the quiet night.

''Jay'', I said, which prompted him to turn his head and look at me.

''What do we do now?'' He choked out, tears now flowing freely across the bridge of his nose and down his cheek until they dropped on the sandy floor. I grabbed his hand, squeezing tightly and holding it up so our ellbows were propped on the floor. There was still blood pouring out of his cut and soon enough, my fingers were painted red as well.

''Don't worry, Sparkplug. We'll figure something out.'' I squeezed once more, his blood flowing down my forearm all the way to the ellbow, the crimson liquid trailing right past the eye of my dragon tattoo.

''We'll figure something out.''


We had fallen into a desert. Fortunately though, we had only fallen a few steps away from a certain Junkyard which was owned by Jay's parents and who had found us pretty quickly.

They were, let's just say, a type of their own.

I was aware of it to a certain degree, seeing as I had known how they behaved in the show. However, to see it first-hand was a completely different thing in and of itself.

As soon as we had been spotted by them, they had ushered us into their trailer that was placed smackdab in the middle of the junkyard, all the while bombarding us with questions. Starting with, how we had gotten here, who I was, whether I was Jay's new date (which caused Jay's head to turn a bright red), whatever happened to Jay's pyjama friends and ending with Jay's mom noticing he was bleeding and immediatly rushing for a first aid kit while his father drowned us in blankets. They were asking so many questions with no breaks inbetween we didn't even get to answer any of them.

''I really appreciate your hospitality but we're not dying. There's no need to act as if we are.'' I said after I had gotten a bowl of chicken soup pushed into my hands. Jay was holding one as well, already eagerly eating since his hand had gotten patched up.

''And we'll be on our way soon anyway. We were kinda in the middle of something...''

''You know, as much as I love your chicken soup Ma, (Y/N)'s right. We gotta get going.'' Jay agreed, slurping the last of his soup.

''Oh is that what your name is, dear? I completely forgot to ask, oh rude me! Why, you're such a nice looking fellow, say, are you and Jay dating?'' Ed completely ignored what Jay had said (who, by the way, turned bright red at his fathers word's).

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