Curse World (2)

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Whatever I had expected the literal manifestation of the Cursed Realm to look like, it most definitely wasn't this.

The small hut burst at the seams at the monster which emerged from within, splintered wooden planks flying through the air as tentacle after tentacle pierced through the walls and barricaded windows. A horrid stench smelling of rotten flesh and overripe fruit filled the air seconds after the Preeminent broke through her wooden confines and showed her hideous face, or rather eye, to the world.

Ghost after ghost spewed from her pupil, one more defaced than the other, from the deepest pits of hell into Stiix where they wreaked absolute havoc on the citizens running for their lives, legs carried by fear yet still not fast enough to escape.

As I peaked over the tiles of the roof, I saw the Ninja standing together, watching the Cursed Realm with widened, horrified eyes just like I had done not two seconds ago. Using Shadow Step, I snuck closer towards them. I was well aware I wouldn't be able to take all of them on at the same time, but maybe I could overhear what they were saying.

Just as I managed to hide in an alleyway behind them, a tentacle reached out to attack them to which they responded by attacking it back with their elemental powers which quickly turned out to be futile. While, sometimes, one of them managed to slice a single tentacle off of the beast, two more simply regrew in it's place which turned out to be even sturdier than the one before.

''I don't know how to stop it!'' I heard Zane yell as he shot a blast of ice at one of the countless targets. ''It just keeps coming!''

''Ah! You stop one, two more grow in it's place!'' Kai yelled back as he caught his aeroblade he'd thrown. ''If there ever was a time to unlock your true potential, sis, it's now!'' He shouted in Nya's direction. Somewhere between the utter chaos of tentacles, fleeing civillians and ghosts, Jay got knocked out of his vehicle which was then thrown into the faraway distance by the Preeminent.

''Let me just flip the switch. Oh yeah, I'm not a nindroid.'' Nya answered back cinically. ''I don't have a switch!''

I simply stayed hidden, watching them fight and listening to their bickering. There was no need for me to intervene; they were clearly losing, hell, they could barely even fend off the tentacles, much less land a heavy blow on the Preeminent. There was simply no need to waste my energy on them yet.

''If ghosts can't withstand deepstone, perhaps the same goes for the Preeminent. But we'll need a larger dose'', Zane suggested.

''My bike's made of deepstone. How about I jam it down her gullet? Cover me!'' Cole answered and raced off.

'Well, I might have to waste some energy on them now.' I thought and quickly stepped into the shadows to chase after him. Sure, their deepstone blades couldn't do any real damage, but who knew how the Cursed Realm would react to swallowing an entire bike made out of deepstone? I certainly wasn't keen on finding out.

Climbing onto a roof swiftly, I instantly spotted where Cole was racing towards the Preeminent. With determination thrumming through my veins, I ran forward and, using my elemental powers, shoved his bike out of the way with one giant shock wave.

Cole hit the ground with a grunt and slid across the wooden floor, his vehicle fell off the docks and into the dark ocean. Still disoriented, he pushed himself up and looked around, the concerned yells of the other Ninja were echoing further away into the distance where they'd watched him get attacked.

Without even thinking, I drew one dagger from it's sheath and leapt forward and off the roof.

In hindsight, I didn't even know what I was planning on doing. Maybe knock him unconscious, leave him unable to fight; my only thought was to get him out of the way.

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