Season 5 Epilogue

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''Please don't let're all that I have left in this world.''

Morro looked down at the water threatening to swallow him, then back up again. His scowl had completely vanished off his face and instead turned into an expression of regret and fear.

''And I'm the reason you don't have anything left!''

''Please Morro...don't do this...'' I pleaded, hot tears streaming down my cheeks. By this point, he wasn't even trying to grip my hand, all that was keeping him from falling was my refusal to let go.

''You can only save those who want to be saved, (Y/N). And I'm most definitely not worthy of being saved.''

My hand phased through his. I reached out but only gripped air.

And as he was swallowed by the depths of the ocean, I swear I could've seen him mouth something silently, although what I didn't kow. All that remained was the fading blueish glimmering of the Realm Crystal as it drowned in waves of sea foam and dark water and green steam rising from the surface.

''NO!'' I cried out, yet was helpless to stop it.

Morro was dead.

My arm that had been reaching out fell to my side and for a moment I watched my tears ripple the surface of the water before doubling over and letting uncontrolled sobs shake my body.

Morro was dead.

In the distance, the sun started to rise, painting over the dark night with purple, orange hues.

My gaze panned to the paddle steamer where the rest of the Ninja stood. I locked eyes with Jay who looked equally as shaken up as he had when we were fighting. A single tear slipped into the corner of my mouth, leaving a salty taste behind and I recalled a thought which had gone through my head not too long ago although now it seemed like an eternity.

If Morro dies, I die with him.


It was almost sad how quickly I slipped back into my old routine.

After having fled from the scene, I returned to the ''appartment'' Ronin and I had lived in and spent the next two days sobbing and screaming and thinking about when exactly it had all gone wrong. And every time that question led to the same answer.

Time passed without me noticing, it seemed all that existed in this world were my thoughts and the confines of my room. It felt like everything was blurring together in my head and I couldn't clear it no matter how hard I tried, all my thoughts revolved around were Morro and how badly I'd fucked up.

Eventually, the hunger I'd completely ignored came back to bite me in the ass and drive me out of the house in an attempt to feed myself. Stealing came easy, the motions were still the same as they were months ago and if I tried hard enough, I could amost pretend like nothing had happened at all. No Tournament of Elements, no meeting the Ninja, just this. Back when I had nothing but the world still seemed whole.


Living without having a purpose gets tiring very easily, as I found out.

Most of the time, I sat on the cold, concrete floor and stared at the equally cold and grey concrete wall, shivering at the autumn cold that creeped into the appartment. Then again, my thoughts were never really there. They replayed the entire past events from start to finish, thinking about what would've happened it it had gone differently; what if I'd simply not joined Morro, what if I hadn't killed Cole, what if I had killed Jay, what if I'd just never jumped off the Bounty that night and not found that damned cabin in the first place?

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