012 ╰► POISON

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PANICK, ALL ARMIN COULD DO WAS PANICK. He just witnessed Y/N making another deal with another student. He failed to stop the student from making a deal with the devil. 

"Armin, follow me." He turned around to see his girlfriend, Annie giving him a serious look.

He followed Annie and she lead him to an empty room with chairs and tables around.

"Why did you drag me here, Annie?" He asked.

She fixed her posture and crossed her arms. "Did you know something was off about Y/N?" 

"Yeah. When she just got here, I found a letter saying to not trust her. After that, I received another letter from another person to never trust her. I also caught her making deals with other students. I'm still trying to find out what exactly is going on."

Annie gave him a slight smile. "Good. We can trust you," She sat down on one of the tables and sighed. "She's not exactly human. Y/N is somewhat a devil in a form of a 16 year old girl. She turned two of our good friends into dust right in front of us. Somehow, we still remembered them. People around us forgot who they were."

"That's insane. Does she keeps the souls somewhere or something?" Armin questioned.

"Probably. She manipulates people into signing a deal. We once took a peek into the notebook she keeps and it had around 800 names in it. I don't know how much right now though." 

Armin was shocked. "Then... What are your plans?"

"Our operation to kill her starts today. If you can, please help us."

Hearing the idea of killing someone come out from his girlfriend's mouth made him feel sick. "Annie... Isn't that a bit... too much? She's still our friend. Even if she--"

"Listen, I really love you Armin but she's pure evil. She needs to stop. If you want all of our friends to live, we need to kill her."

A clap of hands was heard from behind them. The two slowly turned around and saw Y/N there, smirking at them. "Thank you for the compliment, Annie. I'm flattered," She let out a chaotic laughter. "Well, there you have it Armin. You've figured me out. However, I don't think our friends would trust the two of you, Reiner, Bertholdt and Monika. I have the trust of the whole school behind me. Everyone would most likely think you guys are joking!"

"Well, once we turn you in to the police, they would surely arrest you." Annie shot back.

"I would like to see you guys try. I'll be looking forward to my upcoming death from you guys. Good bye!"

Walking out of the room, she left the two startled, a bit. 

Once Y/N arrived at the canteen, she was immediately greeted by her boyfriend. "I got you lunch." She nodded and walked with him side by side towards their table. When she arrived Monika had a sinister grin on her face. 

"Hello there, Y/N! Here, have one of the cupcakes I baked." The pink haired girl gave Y/N the pink cupcake.

"Oh? Thank you. You're too nice Monika!"

As she bit into the cupcake. The taste of poison soon overtook her mouth. 

"You're good at baking, Monika. The taste is so... unique!" The (h/c) girl smiled.

"Can I take a bite--"

"No!" The two girls cut Eren off. 

Eren looked at the two as if they were crazy. "It's not like it has poison in it. It's just a cupcake."

"That's true. However, I assume that Monika has other cupcakes." Y/N coughed.

"You're so selfish, Y/N." Eren laughed.

"Eren's laughing? Well, this is new." Jean remarked.

As time went on, Monika slowly found out that the poison didn't work. Meaning, she had to find another way to kill Y/N. 'Should I sneak a knife into school? Or should I ask Reiner or Bertholdt to help me make Y/N unconscious and bury her?' She thought as she stared at Y/N.

"Well, I'm going to go back to our classroom. Hope you enjoyed the cupcake, Y/N."



It's quite obvious that I'm building up to something big.

The climax of this story would be really nervewracking to write tbh

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