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IT WAS THE NIGHT OF THE WINTER BALL. The bright moon was reflecting upon earth as students arrive at the venue. Everyone wore a mask, hiding their identities from each other.

Days prior to the event, Violet was planning on something big. She bailed Y/N out of prison and invited her to the ball.

But little did she know, Y/N had something up her sleeve. Sasha and Connie were guarding the entrance while Mikasa and Jean were guarding the inside of the venue.

Armin and Annie soon found out their plans and decided to help. The only one who didn't know the group's plans were Alice and Violet.

Eren was seen at a balcony, smoking a bit. He didn't want to go but his girlfriend insisted him on going.


"If you don't go, I'm chopping your head off."

The couple was at Y/N's prison, talking to each other once more.

Eren let out a sigh. "For the hundredth time, I'm not going. You're not there so what's the point in going?"

"Just go. I'll be in your heart so just go, pussy."

"Fuck off" Eren chuckled.


AS MOST OF THE STUDENTS ARRIVED, the ball commenced. Sasha and Connie couldn't resist the urge so they decided to raid the food bar, abandoning the mission.

"You idiots! Aren't you two supposed to guard the entrance??" Jean yelled.

"No shit. We're just taking a few snacks, ass hole!" Connie yelled back.

Mikasa chuckled at their little antics. "Jean... Just let them do whatever they want."

Jean had no choice but to obey his girlfriend.

Eren was still smoking at the balcony. Luckily for him, no faculty were around him meaning he could stay thete as long as he wants.

All of a sudden, a girl with a long black dress with a glittery black mask on her face approached him. "May I smoke with you?" She asked.

Eren nodded and gave her a cigarette. "What are you doing here?" Eren questioned.

A small giggled went out the girl's mouth. "I'm already bored. Just waiting for something to happen."

The voice was oddly familiar to Eren. But him not bothering to look at the girl he took a sigh. "Same. Things got a lot boring ever since Violet became Student Council President. She's so shitty."

"You think?" The girl asked, sarcastically.

They talked for quite a while till an hour later. "Let's go for a dance later on Eren. I'll see you here later, right?"

"Sure. One dance won't hurt..."



I promised a 1,000 word chapter but i'm not motivated enough.

But like, i'm simping over the new covers like tf?

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