033 ╰► ROSES

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"WHAT IS THIS?" It has been a week ever since Y/N's death

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"WHAT IS THIS?" It has been a week ever since Y/N's death. Eren hasn't been feeling well ever since. He missed her so dearly.

Every single day, he would go to the beach to reminisce their old dates together.

Currently, Eren was standing in front of his seat. A small white rose with a letter attached sat down on his desk. As he read through the letter, confusion rushed through his brain.

It read:

I gave you my words, and my promises are not meant to be broken. A DEAL is a DEAL, even with the DEVIL herself.

There was no sign of who it may be from. The rose gave him a sense of nostalgia as the scent smelled like Y/N.

Sighing, he placed t flower beside the flowers besude Y/N's small memorial.

"Eren... Did you eat breakfast?" Mikasa asked as she approached him.


She looked at him and frowned. "You really need to eat. I know Y/N's death has taken a toll on you but you really need to eat. Me and Jean are getting really worried about you..."

"Yeah Ere--"

"Don't talk to me. You did it on purpose." Eren cut Armin off. He turned towards the opposite direction, avoiding both if their gaze upon him.

"It's probably just a misunderstanding between the two of you. Just drop it."

Mikasa was trying so hard to make Eren forgive Armin but nothing worked.

"Whatever. I'll go to the rooftop. No one follow me."

Once Eren arrived at the rooftop, the scent of smoke soon ran through his nose. He looked over to see where it came from and he soon saw a girl with red hair. There was a familiar aura around her.

So, he decided to approach her. "Oh, Hi!" The girl greeted.

"Was I intruding?" Eren asked.

"No, not at all! In fact, come and sit beside me!"

Eren nodded and sat down beside her. "So... Why are you here?" She asked.

"Just needed to clear my mind on some stuff..."

"Do you mind telling me?"

Eren let out a huge sigh. "My girlfriend died. She's quite infamous for apparently being a murderer..."

The red haired girl's eyes lit up upon hearing the information Eren gave her. "So your girlfriend is Y/N. That's so cool! I really wanted to be her friend but... You know."

Eren chuckled. "I'm glad someone thinks that Y/N's actually nice."

The two conversed for around two hours till the school bell rang signalling that it was time for lunch.

"Hey, I'm gonna go now. What's your name by the way?"

"It's Violet, just Violet."

The two waved goodbye as Eren finally went downstairs.

"Oh Y/N... When are you coming back? He misses you dearly." Violet mumbled before disappearing into nowhere.


THE NEXT DAY, there was another rose and a note sitting on Eren's desk. This time however, the rose was pink. He opened the letter and it read:

So this is how it feels to experience the pain from leaving someone

He was still a bit confused but, it gave him a feeling of reassurance. It was as if Y/N was there actually beside of him. He placed the note he got today and the note from yesterday in his pocket and then exited the classroom.

He went up to the rooftop and surprisingly, Violet was there. "Good morning Eren!"

"Did you straight up not go to classes yesterday?" Eren asked.

"Nope. I went to some but I stayed up hear to see the magnificent view."

He once again sat down beside her and gazed upon the view in front of them. "I received these weird letters yesterday. They came with a rose. I don't know where it's from and the letters are quite confusing."

Violet felt curious so she asked if she coulr see them. Eren agreed and handed them to her. Once inspected by her, a small smile appeared on her face.

"Whoever wrote this... They must really like you," Violet let out a small laugh. "They're stupid for liking you."

Eren playfully hit Violet. "Are you saying that Y/N's stupid for loving me?"

"Nope. Y/N's a godess. She's never stupid."

"You know... Thanks for actually cheering me up. Y/N's death really broke me."

Violet smiled as she hugged Eren. "No problem! It's my duty to make people around me happy!"


EREN WENT TO SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY. There was yet another rose and another letter sitting on his desk. But this time, the rose was blood red.

The letter read:

My biggest fear is that eventually, you will start to see me the way i see myself.

Immediately after reading the letter, three gunshots could be heard from outside their classroom.

"Everyone! A murderer has entered the school!" Armin shouted.

Before they could close the door, someone entered the room.

"Hello everyone! Did you miss me?"




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