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"CONSEQUENCES? WHAT KIND OF CONSEQUENCES?" Nana asked as she narrowed her eyes on Alice.

"Well, I'm not too sure. But, if you team up with us and find out a way to kill Y/N, then you're free."

Nana hesitated, she wanted to think before she answered. "Alright. How could I help you guys?"

"Try to kill Y/N. It's the only way."


NANA DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE. She regretted making a deal with Y/N. But, she felt kinda relieved when she set herself free from her parents. But at the same time, she missed them.

"What do I do now?" Nana groaned as she closed the locker behind her.

"Make up your mind then, darling."

Nana's eyes widened as she heard the voice she dreaded the most. "M-Make up my mind?"

"Of course! It's either you confess that you took on the new persona as Lisa. And everyone would absolutely hate you. Or, do whatever Alice told you."

Nana gulped the lump in her throat. She dragged Y/N towards the darkest hallway and sighed. "I still feel like I could trust you. After all, you helped me with all of these..."

Silence grew between them. But soon enough, Y/N's laughter roared as she soon processed what Nana said to her.

"Trust?" A huge smirk appesred on Y/N's face. "Didn't your teachers taught you to never trust anyone? If I were to receive a rose for everytime I kill, I would have hundreds by now,"

Another laugh soon escaped her mouth. "Darling, you fucked up ever since you made the deal with me. Don't you realized the consequences you would get after you call off our deal?"

"No? Go on and tell me then! Tell me so I could make up my mind!"

"Hmm... There's a little something called death."

Nana gasped a bit but then stated, "Death would make me famous! My parentd would finally be richer than ever!"

"I think you're a little confused, darling. Everyone WILL forget who you are. So if I were you, I would take the consequences and live a happy life inside my mirror."

The sounds of cameras could be heard in the distance as Y/N finished speaking. Her eyes went completely different.

Her sclera became black and her (e/c) pupils turned into red. "You know... It's rude to interrupt someone whent they're speaking. Right, Alice?"

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