019 ╰► TAG, YOU'RE IT

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"GUYS... I'M GETTING BORED. CAN WE DO SOMETHING ENTERTAINING?" Sasha asked as she at the last potato chip.

It's been 3 hours ever since the Serial Killer entered the school. Authorities have yet to arrive at the school.

"Anyone wanna play Minecraft on our phones then?" Connie asked. 

Jean sighed. "We don't have any signal. Are you stupid?"

Everyone sat in silence once again. The only things you could hear was the sound of the footsteps. "Honestly at this point, I think the Serial Killer's just taunting us." Armin checked the space under the door as he sees the shoes of the Serial Killer.

"I think they're waiting for someone to come out. Like think about it. When I came out, they didn't kill me." Y/N suggested with a slight smirk.

"That's probable but... How do we know you're not working with her?" Bertholdt questioned.

"I would've killed Monika right now to be honest. But, I didn't."

Chills went down on Monika's spine as she heard what Y/N said. "Oh how can we forget? We already avoided the question. Monika, tell me why you threatened Eren?"

"I liked him, okay!" 

"It's something more than that. Isn't it?" Y/N quirked an eyebrow.

"No, no... It's actually the truth. I did like him. But you being the biggest obstacle in my life, I had to resort to the easier option." 

"Am I watching a K-Drama in real life?" Mikasa muttered.

"This is so interesting." Historia added.

As time went on, the two stopped bickering. The Serial Killer stopped walking and walked away once again.

Armin soon noticed a pattern. Whenever the Serial Killer walked away, Y/N would always be on her mirror, muttering something to herself. But when the Serial Killer was outside, Y/N would make a way to bother Monika.  "Was this another deal made by a student?" Armin asked Annie.

"I don't think so. The Serial Killer sounded like Y/N. It's possible that it's her." Annie whispered back.

"I'm gonna go check once again if the Serial Killer's around. I'll be back!"

As she left, Armin and Annie immediately started theorizing.

"What if she's actually the Serial Killer? Do we take her out?" Armin questioned.

"No. There's no way we can kill her. We tried all the things we could. She just can't be killed!" Annie exclaimed.

"What if we can't but... One person could," Armin continued. "If you think about it, in our History Lesson, Y/N L/N's body could not be found. So what if she made a deal with something and she's just immortal?"

"Wait, you're right. But everything and everyone has a weakness, right?"

"Precisely! But, we don't really know her weakness." Armin sighed.

He was about to say something once again but the door opened, revealing Y/N. Eren's eyes widened as he noticed something was wrong. The ring he gave Y/N wasn't there anymore.

"Hello everyone! I'm back!"

"Any news on the killer?" Ymir asked.

"Well, we actually played a bit of tag. I caught her but... She's it now. We have to run."




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