039 ╰► PRISON

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AN EERIE LAUGH ECHOED ACROSS THE PRISON. Y/N has been in there for quite some time now. She wasn't a tad bit scared of Violet since she could take her power anytime. But, she knew that Violet did this to challenge her.

"Oh Violet... Can't she learn how I'm much more superior than her?  I have my friends behind my back. Even if they despise me, they still would help me out." 

The prison warden went up to her cell. "It's time for lunch." Y/N nodded and followed him.

Once she arrived, she was given food and was told to sit down. Murmurs could be heard from around the prison's canteen as the prisoners watch her eat.

"She's getting the special treatment, huh?"

"How come a small girl end up here?"

"Poor girl... I wanna fuck her."

"Tch... This is so much like High School." Y/N scoffed, while looking at every single prisoner with her in the canteen. 

Two girls approached Y/N and sat down on her table. "You... New girl. What are you in for?" The blondie asked.

"Oh me? The only thing I remember was... Manipulation, perhaps?"

Two of the girls just laughed at her. "Really? That's it?! No wonder you get special treatment."

"How old are you then?" The other girl who had raven hair asked. 


"You're too young to be here, kid. Go eat candy or something." Blondie laughed.

"Not you calling me a kid when the two of you are literally acting like spoilt brats," Y/N's eerie laughter echoed through the canteen. "Are you two really stupid? I did say that I got here because of Manipulation. You two just got manipulated by someone who's still in High School." 

The two unknown prisoners walked away in anger. All Y/N could do was smirk. "It's almost as if Violet sent them to spy on me. 


SCHOOL ENDED FOR EREN. He planned on reaching out to Y/N without Alice, Annie, Armin or Violet knowing. "Mikasa. I want to set Y/N free."

Mikasa almost spit out the slushie Jean bought her. "What?! You might get in big trouble," She took another sip. "But then again... I want to help her. I wanna hear her side of the story." 

"Good. Then, should we try to visit her now?" 

"Sure. We should try to bring Sasha, Connie or Jean. I'm sure that you don't want to tell either of them... You know who I'm talking about, right?"

Eren answered, "Yeah."


Y/N WAS LAYING DOWN, BORED IN HER CELL. She already missed Eren's presence even if it's only been a day. "L/N. You have some visitors." 

Y/N followed the prison warden towards the visiting room. Upon entering, she saw his ocean green orbs. Eren was there with her friends. 

"Holy shit..." She muttered. The feeling of guilt suddenly rushed through her as she saw the look in Eren's eyes. 

She sat down on the table, a piece of clear glass blocking her with from her friends. "You have 5 minutes." The prison warden informed her.

Y/N let out a sigh. With a snap of her fingers, time seemed to stop. One by one, all of her friends started talking to her. Soon enough, it was Eren's turn to talk to her. "Hello there, Eren."

"I miss your annoying ass at class," He chuckled a bit. "But seriously... I miss you."

"Same... You already know what happened right?"

"Yeah... They told us the truth." 

"So they're out to get me then, right?"

"Yep. I mean, I already knew how to kill you ever since the first time I met you." 

The two laughed, easing the moment a bit. "But, do you know when the Winter ball would be? It's kinda important..." Y/N muttered.

"It's next week. I'm planning on not going since... You know..."

A sly smirk appeared on Y/N's face. "You should go. But, where would it be?"

"They said that this year it would be in a rented area which looks really expensive. Not sure where exactly it is but why'd you ask?"

"It's nothing... I'll be back, I promise."



I forgot to say in the last a/n that i don't have too much knowledge about prisons since all the prison i've seen are on tv (ex. spongebob)

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