Wasted - Cole

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We in Taurus season ! ( so close to my birthday, June bebe ÙwÚ I don't wanna be 22 tho QwQ I'm too old to write these I swear ) BUT ! I think Cole is a Taurus so ... without further ado , Coles drunk birthday experience. :3 try and find what kinda drunk he will be , there's a small hint before ya get to it .

It's Coles birthday ! ( as previously stated up above ) Kai convinced Cole that we should all go drinking , mostly because Cole kept it a secret . You and Kai had asked Zane to look up coles driver's license from the ninjago dmv and that's how everyone finally figured out his birthday .

Cole begrudgingly agreed and just threw on a black tight fit shirt , to show off dem muscles! And ripped black skinny jeans which he rocked , it had chains attached to the belt loops which for some reason made it seem hotter . It certainly didn't help that he had on a leather jacket either .

" Going goth much ? " you commented when Cole walked into your room to see if you were ready .

" you know black is my color (y/n) , are you ready ? "

" You almost look like a gay goth boyo in this one comic I read , and no I'm not ready yet I just got out of the shower " you pulled your towel up a bit more to hide your body " if your all ready you guys can leave without me , i don't want to keep you all waiting and I know what bar it is , I'll meet you there "

Cole seemed to hesitate but started to speak " Are you su-" he got cut off by Kai who wrapped his arm around coles neck .

" Let's get going birthday boy before you change your mind ! See you there (y/n) , make sure to watch out for creeps on the streets " he waves and pulls Cole out of the temple .

Well , that was interesting. You decided to wear a black dress , I mean , for Cole right ? That and it was the only dress you really had . After drying and doing your hair you also applied makeup and slipped on a pair of converse wedges , which Cole had bought for you on Mother's Day . His reasoning was " Because you might be the future mother to my children ".

Looking to the clock you realized that you had really taken your time . Two hours ?! Gosh that's what you get for listening to music and losing track of time . You quickly ran out of the temple and ran towards the bar . Calling a cab would have probably taken longer since you had to wait for it to arrive .

About two blocks from the bar you panted trying to catch your breath as the other ninja were walking back to the temple " leaving so soon ? " you asked .

Zane shook his head " I said I'd only have half a drink , Lloyd I only permitted one and Jay is very intoxicated. I'm taking them home . Cole and Kai insisted on staying , have fun (y/n) " Zane then continued walking . Well that's a bummer , less of a party now but oh well .

After walking into the bar and Looking around you saw Kai and Cole in the corner . They seemed to be really close together, until you walked a little closer you saw that Kai was sitting- no straddling Cole's lap . Both of their cheeks flushed a dark red as Kai's hands rubbed at coles chest before traveling down his torso to slip into his shirt and over his abs .

Oh my god ! They are obviously drunk , the empty glasses surrounding them made that clear , so did coles drunken swaying back and forth . You were so shocked you didn't know what to do in all honesty ! Stop or watch ?

Kai leaned a little closer to Cole , only for your boyfriend to close the distance and connect his lips to the fire ninjas. If this were an anime , you would definitely be having a nose bleed right now . You decided to sit next to the two of them and take out your phone to record . Mostly waiting to see how long it would take for them to notice you . You weren't mad per say , just not sure how to feel , like , you had a feeling Cole was Bi or Pan, and you didn't mind if it was with another guy . As long as you were his only girl . No poly stuff though... unless ? Yea lol no .

At this point the two of them were making out , coles fingers tangled in Kais already messy hair , pulling at it to make Kai moan . And Kai was pushing Coles shirt up . Okay maybe you should stop this . You coughed loudly before saying your boyfriends name " Cole "

Cole slowly pulled away from Kai and squinted at you " mmm Arr you my girlfrewnd ? " he runs his fingers through his hair to brush his bangs out of his face , which looked very confused and well , hammered .

" Yep that's me , who do you think that is ? " you pointed to Kai .

Cole rubbed at his face as he glanced over to Kai "..... my boyfrewd ? " he suddenly snickers " I don have a boyfrewd "

Kai suddenly started Laughing and hugged onto you , his face was buried in your chest before he looked up and tried to kiss you, which you blocked with your hand .

" Mmhum , mmhum " you nodded like you were trying to understand " and what lead you to want to kiss him ? "

Cole grumbles and grabs his glass to drink some more but stops and sets it back on the counter " ...mmm I wanna doh home ... " he shakily stands up and you follow , pulling Kai along with you .

Once outside you turned your back to call a cab and as you hung up you heard a loud thud . Turing around Cole had pinned Kai to the wall , his hand tugged the red ninjas chin upward to try and pull him into a kiss . But you quickly stopped that , grabbing coles ear and prying him away from Kai . " For fucks sake I turn around for one minute " .

The cab ride home was no better . You sat in between them which was no picnic . Cole laid across your lap to rest his head in Kai's lap . Eventually reaching up to hook his arm around Kai's neck to pull him down into a kiss . You sighed and looked out the window . So much for you two making coles birthday special. You had to admit that you were getting a little jealous now . Like damn . Come up for air you two , you stay in your head as you cast your gaze to the ninjas making out ... AGAIN !

~ Time Skip ~ ( cause I'm lazy )

You woke up to hearing Cole groan . Sitting up and looking to him you rubbed at his bare back .

" Rough night ? " you say flatly .

Cole shakes his head " God I don't remember anything, I completely blacked out after my second drink .... " he sighs in relief after looking around the room .

" Hum , you don't say . Do you remember ramming your tongue down Kai's throat last night ? "

Coles head snaps up hearing that , his cheeks a dark crimson " I-I didn't do that ! "

" I beg to differ " you show him the video on your phone.

He groans and flops back on the bed " not again ..."he mumbled to himself .

" what ? Again ? "

" Ever wonder why I never drank or hardly drank ? " he starts " I may have gotten too drunk , a long time ago and found myself in someone's bed ... we didn't have ... you know , but we were pretty close apparently " he blushed darkly and hid his face in the pillow .

" oh .... so your a gay drunk ? Is that even a thing ? " you laugh a little to try and help him feel better .

It works , Cole laughed and looked to you " I would be a weird drunk like that wouldn't I ? No more drinking for me " he sits up and pulls you into a hug " thanks for not being mad " he then pushes you down on the bed and leans down to gently kiss at your lips " I can make it upto you if you like ..." he offers .

" yea ... I'd like that , but you better kiss me better than you kissed Kai "

" Deal " he kisses at your lips again , the two of you going further than he had with Kai the previous night .

A/n : so yea I wanted to put some gay in here

👉👈 that's all I really have to say .... OTHER THAN ! Me taking forever to update . Never become an adult . It sucks . Sorry if you don't like it but oh well ! ^^ 💕 Love you all byeeee !

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