Your Realization - Kai

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Kai just left your house , you hated to admit it but you already missed him . He was lots of fun . You loved doing all those stupid dares he would come up with . And how both of you "tortured " each other . And then his name ... Kai what a unique name ! That's not one you hear every day, you kinda liked it . And you had to admit that that bad boy attitude was kinda attractive.

And that spiked hair ! Wow that was sooo hot ! What? Did you seriously just call Kai hot ?! Yeah , I did. Well it's not like I have a crush on him or anything..... although I do love being with him ..... I guess I do have a crush on Kai ....No no no no no no no !!!!   I can't like Kai ! ..... but why can't I like him ? Well duh ! We are friends and he's such a flirt, and there's no way he could feel the same about me ! That's why ! And he's probably a player and he has so many fans why would he pick you ?! And plus your probably not his type anyway. Face it (y/n) you will never be loved....... *sighs * and if Kai ever found out that you had developed feelings for him , that would definitely end your relationship. Kai can NEVER find out !

A/n: yea , I know the end is sort of depressing and stuff but there will be a happy ending, after all would I be writing a story about Kai and have you not end up with him ? 😏 Will probably up date in a few minutes, I still have nothing to do , hope you liked it and thanks for reading.

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