Its Over - Jay

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My relationship with Jay is going great so far! I absolutely love him . His humor is a little overwhelming and he can't take anything seriously but that's just Jay and that's what I fell in love with . That no matter the situation he can keep a smile on his face and bring a smile to yours .

Jay asked to meet me at the arcade today. Another gaming session. I didn't really like video games at first but now I kinda see how fun they are thanks to Jay .

You got dressed in (u pick ) left your house and hopped onto your bike . This bike , you giggled when you remembered how you met Jay . Almost hitting your future boyfriend with your bike . That will be a funny story when people ask you how you two met .

Not only did you think of how you two met you thought of everything. When you two were just becoming friends. When you realized that you liked him . How Jay actually returned those feelings and asked you out ! Your first date and first kiss ! And how he found out your secret 😣 But still , you enjoyed having Jay around, after all what girl wouldn't enjoy their boyfriends company ?

Upon arriving at the arcade you saw Jay leaning against the wall looking at the ground with a small frown on his face . Frowning? Is something wrong ? You "parked" your bike and walked upto him.

" Hey cutie " you hugged him and he hesitantly hugged back . He never hesitates.

" Hey Sweetie "

" Is everything ok ? You seem down "

" Me ?! Never ! " his crazy smile came back to his face and made you smile as well .

" So let me guess we are here to kill each other in video game form "

" You bet ! "

" As always, because nothing says I love you like let me kill / shoot you "

" Only in a game , ready to get your game on (y/n)? "

" Bring it ! "

While playing the games you noticed that Jay was a bit off . He's usually way better at playing than this .

" You ok Cuite ? "

He didn't answer and seemed to be lost in thought. Something is definitely wrong ! Jay never thinks ! ( XD couldn't resist)

" Earth to Jay Walker " you waved your hand in front of his face .

" hum ?! What ?! " he finally snapped out of his daze .

" Jay what's wrong? I know your lying to me about something "

He started to sweat and got nervous and jittery.

" Well ? What is it ? " you went to hug him but he pushed you away gently.

" ( Y-Y/n) " he got even more flustered and hardly got your name out .

" Yes ? "

" IM BREAKING UP WITH YOU ! " he quickly shouted out the words that were keeping him from his usual cheery self .

" W-what ?! " you were completely shocked.

" Im ....breaking up ...with .... you " he hung his head .

" Jay you can't be serious! It's gotta be some sort of prank ! Or a dare ! "

" It's not , I'm sorry (y/n) it's over "

" How ?! Why is it over ?! I thought that our relationship was -"

" I'm in love with someone else ! "

Those words drove a stake through your heart .

" S-someone else ?! Who ?! "

" I still have feelings for Nya , and she still loves me "

" Why her ?! Am I not good enough?! "

" No it's not that your not good enough, Nya and I belong together "

" You said we did ! "

" No , Nya and I literally belong together...." he started to explain how in the first spinjutzu masters tomb was the ice wall that told your future . And how it showed an older version of Nya and him together and so on .

" But it could be wrong ! "

" It isn't "

" How do you know ?! Are you seriously going to let a reflection tell you how your life is to be ?! "

" If it tells the future then there's nothing I can do , it's my fate "

" You decide your fate ! "

" I already have! I'm going back to Nya ! "

" Your ditching me for her ?! What has she ever done to you except break your heart ?!"

" She loves me isn't that enough?! "

" I love you ! "

" Well I don't love you anymore! "

Jay instantly regretted letting those words out of him mouth as he suddenly realized that he was on the floor and in pain .

Upon realizing what happened, you had punched him in the face and leg sweeped his butt and were now standing over him with a death glare . 

" I wish I would have hit you with my car instead of my bike , it would have saved me the heart ache over ever loving a heartless _________ ( u choose ) like you ! "

" (Y-y/n) ?!!" He had never seen this side of you before. Little did he know the reason you always faked a smile .

You grabbed his phone which was on the floor . Looking up your number you saw that it no longer was Jays nickname for you but your name and that Nya's number had your old nickname . After deleting your number you then threw his phone at his face . Everyone was staring at you but you didn't care .

" If you so much as come anywhere near me , I will break something of yours , I don't care what I break , unfortunately breaking your heart isn't an option since you don't have one ! "

You started to walk and felt someone grab your arm . You knew it was Jay so you tried to pull away .

" ( Y/n) it's just a break up ! No big deal! "

" No big deal ? NO BIG DEAL ?!!!!! You idiot!"

" What did I do now ?! "

" You really are clueless aren't you ?! I told you when we first met ! When we were friends, that love has never worked out for me ! And then you do something like this ! "

Jay kept silent.

" And to think that I fell for it again ! You would have thought that I had learned something from the previous heart breaks , now your no different from the other guys I hate , how does it deal to join the list ? " you ripped your arm out of his grip.

You walked to your bike and hopped on and went home . Jay watched you ride away with his nose bleeding.

( Jays pov)

"That hurt a lot more than I thought it would"

Not getting punched in the face , or falling on the ground. Not my pride , since I was schooled by a girl but ..... my heart .... literally feels broken ..... was Nya really worth this ?

A/n : yea I enjoyed writing this a little too much since I can't stand jay XD also sorry for the lack of updates but .... let's just say I'm going through a mental moment right now . Don't ask 😑 I'm just trying to calm down and sort things out right now but I won't keep me from updating. My readers are more important than my feelings * bows * thanks and hope you liked .

              Love you all my spinners,


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