Second Chance ? - Kai

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It can't end like this ! You kept your eyes closed tightly not wanting to see Kyle finish you off .

" Ow ! You again ?! "

Before you could open your eyes someone grabbed your arm and ran .

" Why are you so stubborn ?! " you opened your eyes and saw Kai .

" What are you doing here ?! "

" Saving your life "

" Not true ! I had him right where I wanted him ! "

" So you wanted him to kill you ? "

"...... Shut up Spikey ! " You stumbled as you ran or tried to run due to your injured leg . 

Kai glanded down at you then grabbed onto your waist .

" Hands off !!! "

" I don't take orders from you " he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and ran .

" Put me down Kai ! I can run myself ! " you were punching and kicking him .

" Would you rather me carry you bridal style ? "

" Heck no ! " you pouted and saw Kyle chasing after you two " Er ... can't you run faster ?! "

" I'm not used to carrying this much extra weight "

" Are you calling me fat ?! "

" No your just heavy "

" That's rude ! "

" Yea yea " Kyle was catching up fast . He was so close he grabbed your arm and pulled you off of Kai .

" Alright that's it ! I'm over this punk ! " Kais hands then went on Fire .

" Come at me Moron ! "

" That's pyromaniac to you ! "

This is bad ! Yea fire and knives , one more dangerous than the other but both are still dangerous! You quickly grabbed your phone and tried to call the police. It's dead ?!! Of course it is ! Fantastic!

Looking back at your helpless situation with Kai and Kyle , you noticed Kais phone on the street in the middle of the both of them . Crap ..... alright, it's do or die time !

Yoy mustered up some courage and sprinted towards them only to come to an abrupt stop .

"HE HAS A BASE BALL BAT ?! " where did he hide that ?!  ( heh XD ) You watched as Kyle swung the bat at Kai .

I have to call the police..... so what if he has a bat , he's focused on Kai so I should be fine . You ran upto them and Kyle noticed and started to swing the bat at you . That's when you decided to slide like base ball players do when they get to a base . While doing so you managed to grab onto Kais phone .

" Nailed it ! " you said as you stood up .

" How about paying attention ?! " Kai kicked Kyle in the face making him drop the bat .

Yoy grabbed it quickly and ran into an alley way to call the police . 

*time skip *

You and Kai were at your house. Kyle had gotten arrested and he got a few burns , surprisingly Kai actually received a few cuts from Kyle . You were both in your bathroom and decided to thank Kai by helping clean him up . He did technically save your life after all .

" Kai take your shirt off "

" Whoa there (y/n) I know I just saved your life but you don't have to go that far to thank me " he smirked at his teasing.

You blushed and glared back in response." Shut it and do as I said unesss you want to get more blood on your shirt ! "

" I forgot how cute you were when I get you flustered like this , I miss it a lot " Kai started to play with your hair and you smacked his hand away .

" Fine if you won't do it then I will " You blushed as you touched the hem of his shirt and slowly lifted it up . " I can't ! " you buried your face in your hands and blushed hard . 

" You have seen me shirtless before, what's the problem ? " he continued to smirk . ( First date chapter) ( just a reminder)

" We we're dating then and you weren't a cheating jerk then either ! " you looked up slightly with tears in your eyes . " Do you have any idea how much it hurts to love someone only for them to toss you aside like nothing just so they can be with someone else ?! "

" (Y/n) l -"

" A lot ! It's worse than getting stabbed in the back ! Did you even love me ?! Why did you even date me if you wanted to be with her anyways ?! "

" You never let me explain "

" I don't want to hear your excuses! "

" Please just let me explain, I at least owe you an explanation "

*time skip * ( *shrugs * I be lazy today )

" That's Black mail ! "

" Yea I know it is , I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how you were going to react. "

" Idiot , You should have told me ......"

" Why ? "

"B-because..... we would still be together " you blushed and looked down at the floor .

Kais eyes went wide " You mean you still love me?! "

" I don't know if I would say that " you crossed your arms and didn't look at him .

.......... " I don't care if you want me back or not , I want you back and I won't give up until your in my arms again! You know that I love you and only you , and I know that what I have done was unforgivable, but I ask for your mercy....... please..... take me back "

" Kai .... I don't kn-"

" I won't take No for an answer (Y/n) , so let me here you say yes , I know you miss me "

You hugged him tight and nodded . " Yes I do ! I'm sorry "

*sighs * " Thank goodness "

" Huh ? "

" To be completely honest, I wasn't sure if you wanted me back or not , I thought you hated me and that you would never want to see me again "

" Dummy "

" So were a thing again right ? "

" Yea I guess we are a "thing " again, but in simpler terms you can just say we are dating "

A/n: Sorry if it sucked 😶 for me lately romance isn't really my thing , well it is but it isn't , I'm just really indecisive since my boyfriend left me . Not a break up but when your internet boyfriend leaves for 3 months and didnt even tell u he was leaving.... it kinda hurts . But I choose to laugh at the fact that he couldn't handle me and we were only Internet dating . *shrugs * oh well , looks like I'm forever screwed when it comes to the love department. ....... sorry I felt like ranting 😅

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