Daddy - Lloyd

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( Monday )

" (Y/NNNNNNNN)! " You heard Lloyd scream from upstairs . You dropped what you were doing and ran upstairs to see what was wrong . They boys just got back from a mission apparently, what if he's hurt ?

" Lloyd what is it ? what's wrong ? "

" GIVE IT BACK ! " Lloyd screamed and tried to pull away a comic from a little boy in his room .

" NO ! I WANNA COLOR ! " He pouted and pulled harder ripping the comic . Looking at the cover in the boys hand you realized it was Lloyd's limited addition copy with autographs from the author and illustrator ..... this isn't going to go well .

How did this kid even get it ? Not even you knew where Lloyd kept it but you remembered that he had it wrapped in plastic .

Lloyd took a deep breath trying not to lose it . " It's just paper , it's just paper "

The little boy ran behind you and hugged onto your leg with a scared look on his face . who is this boy ?

" Uh Lloyd , I know this isn't the best time but .... Who's this ? " you looked down at the boy and gently patted his head . He had to at least have been four .

" We aren't sure , we went on a mission to track down a cat burglar and found him wondering around on the streets. Nya contacted the police and they said that a police station isn't a place for a child and that he'd be safe if he stayed with us " Lloyd talked as he picked up his torn comic not ever taking his eyes off of it .

" I see... " you sighed . Then bent down to the boys level to talk to him .

" Hi I'm (y/n) , I know I'm a stranger but I'm the ninjas friend , you can trust me , can you please tell me your name ? "

The boy looked up at you and blinked a few times "..... I-I'm Noah " he avoided eye contact.

" Wow ! What an awesome name " you smiled so he'd relax . " Noah , I know you don't know where you are but you shouldn't touch other people's things without their permission, do you understand ? "

Noah nodded then held his arms up " Uppy-"

" Alright " You picked him up and held him on your waist and looked back at Lloyd " Do you need me to hold you too ? "

" I'll be fine , I'm just not very good with kids believe it or not ...." he looked embarrassed." I skipped a few years , as your aware of , so I'm still kinda maturing, it's hard to try and grow up myself and be able to take care of a kid ...."

" Then let's play house ! " you smiled .

" Play house ? I've never played that " Lloyd raised his eyebrow.

Oh boy -

" Ok , I'm the mommy , and your the daddy , and Noah is our little baby " you tickled Noah gently and he giggled .

" So ... What do daddy's do ? "

" Well first we should make a house "

" Huh ? "

" Noah help me make a pillow fort ! " you carefully threw Noah onto Lloyds bed full of pillows .

Together all three of you made the biggest pillow fort ever .

" This is a mansion , now Noah , what do daddy's do ? "

" ..... My daddy and mommy work " Noah Hugged onto a pillow near by .

" lloyd go pretend to work then come back and Noah and I will have dinner ready " you smiled and pushed Lloyd out of his room .

" Wait what ?! " Lloyd was beyond confused.

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