Single Pringle - Cole's pov

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It's been at least two weeks since (y/n) and I have split and I was fine at first but now .....

For the first week I was fine . Why date someone as stubborn as her anyway right ?! She's just a bunch of drama ! But then after a while I finally realized how lonely I felt . How ....empty I felt . I never realized how much I was with her and thought about her until now . It ..... hurt . More than I ever thought it would.

I texted her but my text wouldn't send . Then I decided to call her ....." I'm sorry the number you are trying to reach is no longer Available " ........ the Machine answered. She got a new number ?! Just because of a break up ?

I went to her house a few times but there was no answer . She's probably ignoring me . Then I decided to go where I know I can find her . I went to the video shop she worked at . But when I got there (y/n)'s boss was working. That's strange since this is usually the day (y/n) works , and the hours too . I tried to ask her boss and he/she refused to tell me and said that (y/n) refuses to see me . Apparently her boss is on her side . So I'm guessing that he/she switched (y/n)'s working hours.

Now im at home in my room and idk what to do . I really want to say sorry but there's nothing I can do . I came into the video store every night . Since night is the only time I can come in , and I rented movies . I knew that she wouldn't be there but I secretly hoped that she would be.

I became a movie monster. Waisting Time on watching movie after movie . All kinds of movies , Horror , Sci-fi , Action , Comedy . But nothing seemed to help ease my feelings. Well ... except for the Romance movies . Before I would never touch them but now I was addicted to them . Where the girl would leave the guy and vow to never return but they end up together again.

Together again.......  what if (y/n) and I got back together?  Just like in the movies ? Have her run back into my arms and never leave me again...... *sighs * impossible. I guess that's why I like the cliché plot of the romance movies . It gives me the false hope of ever getting my gorgeous girlfriend back .

I looked at the tv in my room just in time to see the main characters kiss . *sighs * I miss that .

( Jays pov)

" Hey Col- woah ! Why is it so dark in here?!!"

I looked at Coles room it was pitch black ... heh heh , kinda like his suit XD

" Time to get up sleepy head ! " I ripped the sheets off his bed and continued to joke around with him trying to cheer him up .

No one knows why he's acting like this . He's been so secretive lately and won't tell us anything. It's so unlike him . And now all he does is stay in his dark room wearing dark clothes and Locks himself away from the world . No missions have come up lately, which is good because we can be down one ninja . No ninja left behind !

" Go away and leave me alone " he then pulled his pillow over his head and ignored me . How rude !

" Cole you really should get up "

" No "

" Ok, What's up ? Your acting so unlike you ,it's starting to worry me "

" None of your business Jay ! "

" It is my business Cole ! Especially as your best friend! Friends don't keep secrets from each other ! " 

" (Y/n) broke up with me ! There are you happy now ?!!"

" .........errrr........"

" Get out !!! " Cole then pushed me out the door and locked it behind me . " Well your welcome ! "

" For what ?! "

"....... Good point "

With in the next few days Cole did the same thing everyday. Stay in his room and live off of junk food . The only time he left his room was to return the movies and get more . His attire didn't change , he wore black sweats with black converse and a black pull over hoodie , he even had black bags under his eyes due to his lack of sleep . (Going Goth XD )

The only words to describe Cole was depressed and broken . You were all that was on his mind . How could i get her back ? Could I get her back ? Do I even deserve her ? Why was I so stubborn? Why didn't i just listen to how she felt ?  .............

.......What if .......i would have just listened to her ?

A/n: boom ! 3 in 24 hours ! Although they are short 😅. But oh well , hope you guys liked this one . I know it's depressing but not dark like Kai's 😅 I've gotten lots of this is dark stuff comments on Kai's story XD sorry about that but I try to imagine how the characters would react to things but we all see the ninja differently , my stories only show u how I see them XD well thanks for reading and hoped you liked it .

                Love you all my spinners ,


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