His Realization - Kai

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( Kai's Pov)

Haha , (y/n) ! They're so adorable, yea I called them adorable, so what ?! I do that to lots of girls,but (y/n) is so.... well I love how they're not that good at sports but they still get so competitive and how they are so willing to put up with ,well in their words , my  shenanigans . They don't seem to be too bothered when I flirt with other girls in front of them but to be honest I don't even know why I was flirting with those girls .... I didn't think they were nearly as attractive as (y/n) I guess I was trying to get them jealous....... (y/n) is so stunning, their gorgeous (color hair ) and their dazzling ( eye color) eyes , I can stare into them for days . And everything about them is something to admire, their like a peice of art , an abstract one that's sometimes hard to understand but still something you look at in awe .  Being the hot shot ninja I am maybe they will say yes if I ask them out ......but then again, because of my flirtatious reputation maybe they won't . Who am I kidding (y/n) is too good for me , should I ask them out ? I want to but I don't want to loose their friendship if they say no . But if I never ask then I will never know if they feel the same way .... they aren't like all the other girls Ive ran into , they are different, they didn't throw themselves at my feet and beg me to date them , they're not a love struck Me-crazed fan , they would never say yes , but maybe one day I can express my feelings to them and hopefully they won't laugh.

A/N: yep , I have a hard time coming up with Kai ones for some reason, I dk why , I mean I LOVE KAI !!! But I'm just drawing a blank when it comes to my " BF " 😅😉 But hope you liked it !

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