Single Pringle - Zane

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I didn't expect her to react in such a way . I only wanted what's best for her .

Little had you known that Zane actually felt guilty for dating you . It's not that he did anything wrong. It was because he felt that you deserved some one better. He was secretly doubting himself while dating you .

She deserves some one better . Some one who can relate to her human struggles. Someone who can give her a family in the future, since I know she wants to get married and have kids one day .

I didn't want to tell her the reason why I wanted to break up with her . One ,because If i told her I was a nindroid she would probably break up with me , and to be honest I would rather have ya parting knowing that she still loves / loved me  . Two , because if I told her that without telling her that I'm a nindroid, she would try to talk me out of it .

I cant offer her anything. I'm just a robot, and sooner or later she will discover that . She loves me now because she thinks I'm human but when she finds out what I really am ...... she won't love me anymore. Who could ever love a pile of bolts ?

Thats what I thought before I broke up with her . I was hoping that I wouldn't have to tell her the truth but .... I did . And as usual I was right , even though I was wishing that I wasn't .

I wanted to avoid telling her at all costs but she wouldn't listen to me . I tried everything. I was nice and told her in the most comforting way I could think of , and that didn't work . So .... I was mean , I didn't enjoy doing that to her but I knew pushing her away was what's best for her . But that didn't work either . It seemed to make things worse .

I went into a panic and didn't know what else to do . Then I had let my secret slip and that changed everything. Instead of me wanting to break up with her it was something else . She knew I lied to her . Then our fight got worse . I hated to fight with her but I knew I needed to do it . As much as I want her , I don't deserve to have her .

Things got out of hand I didn't know what I was saying. Before I knew it (y/n) slapped me across the face . I can only imagine how it felt to have your hand hit me . But I finally got her to leave . But .... it hurt way more than I thought it would. I wanted to run after her and say sorry but I refrained myself. This is what's best for her ..... isn't it ?

With in the weeks that you and Zane broke up , Zane seemed to be on low battery the whole time . Depressed, not really having enough energy to do anything. He cried every night , wishing to remember what he said to you . Wishing that he didn't push you away .  Wanting you back in his arms .

What if he told you from the beginning? Would you still be with him ?

Even tho he doubted it , he was hoping that he was wrong.

A/n: Yup , sad isn't it . The end XD hope you liked it and thanks for reading

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