Roommate? - Zane

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( Sorry for the picture, I felt like trying to give u guys a nose bleed XD )

" Zane , your not going to sleep on the couch " you argued .

" But you can't sleep on the couch and I want you to take my bed"

" Zane , you really don't need to give me your bed , I can just sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag "

" That is absolutely out of the question "

" why don't we just share the bed ? "

Zane then gasped " What adulterous ideas are you having right now (Y/n)?!"

" I'll ignore that comment , Zane it's just a bed , chill" ( no pun intended I swear)

"...... Are you sure (y/n)? "

" Zane it will be fine " you gave him a reassuring smile .

" But what if I become a wolf and devour you ?! "

" Eh ?! " you were so confused .

" I heard Nya saying that men are like wolves when they are alone with a girl "

You mentally face palmed your self due to your boyfriends pure mind .

" Zane she means like.... Er.... how do I say this without making it weird ? " you questioned your self out loud .

" Can it sound any weirder than it already does ? " Zane raises his eyebrows .

" Fair enough , She's basically saying that most men are only after one thing "

" One thing ? What is it? Is it a cursed sword or a object with great power ? If so , I am not a man like that , I'm not a wolf " he smiled innocently .

It was right now that you wish he had a perverted switch so you wouldn't have to explain.

" never mind , it won't happen to you Zane , that's all I can really say "

" if you say so (y/n) ! " he smiled again . " oh (y/n) , lets go for a walk , we can get grocery's together , make dinner then snuggle while watching movies  "

Oof ! My heart ! He's so adorable .

"sounds like a plan " you smiled.

* le time skip *

You couldnt stop laughing.

" Y/n what's so funny?! " Zane asked all flustered.

" you are " you kept giggling " I can't believe you just hit Cole in the head with a wooden spoon , just so he'd get out of the kitchen "

" he put his finger in the batter , that is unhigenic "

You smiled and stuck your own finger in the batter then licked it off . " Yummy "

Zane looked at you completely dumbfounded .

" Aren't you going to hit me with the spoon too ? " you giggled at your own teasing .

" I suppose I should punish you after all (Y/n) " Zane then smirked and you thought you saw a mischievous gleam in his eye  ..... Was Zane really capable of that ? I must be imagining things .

Although that thought quickly left you when you felt Zane hit you bottom with the wooden spoon .

" Ow ! Zane ! " your face turned red in embarrassment . " Why did you do that ?! "

Zane chuckled then leaned down to your ear whispering " I'm not as innocent as you think (Y/n) " he quickly and gently nipped at your ear making a shiver go down your spine .

" W-WHAT ?! " you gasped completely shocked .

Zane snickered , clearly amused by your reaction " (Y/n) all men know these things , some embrace them and some chose to be a gentleman, it's obvious which one I choose . But acting innocent is fun , I love to see everyone's reactions "

For some reason this took you a while to process his words " .... You tricked us all ?! Where's Zane ?! What did you do with him ?! "

Zane gently grabbed your hands and placed your right on his chest and continued to hold your left . " It's me (Y/n) , your same boyfriend , the same man you fell in love with , and the same man who loves you so dearly , being together means we get to see sides of each other that we didn't know existed , and I can't wait to learn more about you too " he then kisses the back of your hand and trailed those kisses to your wrist .

At this point you could catch on fire with how hot he made your cheeks . Why is he so romantic ?! In a strange way ...

Out of embarrassment you hugged him tight and buried your face in his chest to hide your blush from him . He just held you and ran his fingers though your hair .

With in the next few weeks that you lived with Zane he was right when he said you two would learn things about each other . To your discovery, Zane sings in the shower and takes bubble baths every night . And he has a secret collection of rubber ducks he hides under his bed for some reason .

He's a hygiene freak . So when he found out how messy you are , it drove him up the wall . As much as you tried to keep things tidy things were still too messy for Zane . You would joke that he was your boyfriend and a maid . Unfortunately , one day when you came home you found Zane in a maid dress ,  you had Jay to thank for that . But life with Zane was fun and your differences made you two complete each other even more .

A/n: sorry that took me so long hope you enjoy!

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