Kiss kiss fall in love -Zane

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( I find this image incredibly adorable for some reason )

You and Zane were cuddling on the couch while watching a movie ( of ur choice ) . Nothing out of the ordinary, him switching from rubbing your back to playing with your hair and every once in a while he'd just hug you tight and rest his chin on your head .

Its not that you didn't like the cuddling , of course you did .  It's just that ... You wanted to do a little more ... but would Zane really be able to handle something like that ? All you and Zane have done so far is just kiss here and there . You didn't want to push Zane and make him uncomfortable. Things should take their own natural pace right ?

You were lost in thought when you finally realized that Zane was staring at you while rising one of his eyebrows .

" Is everything alright ( Y/n ) ? If you don't prefer this movie we can change it to something else "

" Oh I'm fine " you nervously lied a little. As much as you wanted to tell Zane how you felt about it , you just thought that it wouldn't be the best decision.

" Your anxiety levels are increasing again " he paused the movie and looked you in the eyes . " What's wrong ? You can be honest with me , you are aware of that aren't you ? "

" Yes of course .... " you mumbled as you started to trail off .

" But ? " Zane questioned while still giving you a look of concern .

" I don't know Zane .... it's not that I'm not happy with our relationship as it is right now. It's just that I thought that we would have gotten a bit further now that we have been together for as long as we have ." You quickly blurted out while looking away , not really wanting to see what Zane's reaction would be.

But Zane was silent , Did you say something wrong ? Maybe he took it the wrong way , you looked up at Zane and saw him deeply pondering the words you had spoken .

"  Are you referring to ..... sexual intercourse?" Zane hesitantly said while looking away blushing .

" Woah ! What ?! No ! .... um well it's not like I'm against it .... but you don't have the parts for that ! " Now you were just a rambling blushing mess , what the hell are you saying ?!     

" Not entirely true ... I'm designed after Homo sapiens , and since I can digest food and liquids I have the functioning parts like all other humans do .... I'm just not capable of reproduction "

This information is hitting you a little too fast " Uh right .... um .... " God , how do you even respond to something like that ? " Zane I just meant I wanted to make out .You know like .... maybe round first and maybe even second base ? "

" You want our relationship to include base ball?"

" Um no ...." this is getting exhausting.

"Oh , that kind ... I've never done anything like that before "

" Well maybe ( Ur choice ! Chose A or B !)

A) we can learn together "

B) I can teach you  "

Zane smiled shyly " Id love that , but I want to be a good boyfriend so I'll do my best ! "

You giggled in reply " Zane you already are a good boyfriend , just kinda clueless here and there "

" Well then it's time for me to redeem myself now isn't it ? "

Zane sat up with you in his lap and wrapped your legs around his waist . He leaned in shyly and gently nuzzled his nose against yours and smiled . " Correct me if I do anything wrong "

You were about to reply but Zane had already gently connected his lips to yours . Now your silent reply was kissing him back and resting your hands on his chest . Somehow Zane was always a surprisingly good kisser and his kisses gradually became quicker , you felt him smile a bit before slowly moving his hand up your _______

A) Thigh

B) Sides

You gasped reflexively, which gave Zane the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth . While blushing you looked at Zane and he was blushing just as much . While his tongue was exploring your mouth his hands were roaming your body . god this is amazing , How is Zane capable of this ?!

Before pulling away Zane gently bit your lip which sent a shiver down your spine . A relaxed sigh escaped your lips as his kisses trailed down your neck to your collarbone and due to you wearing a tank top , those kisses slightly spread across your shoulder .

" Am I doing good ? " he stopped momentarily to look up at you .

" Yea , amazing actually , did you want me to do it back ? "

" No " Zane pinned you down . His cheeks have never been this red before .

" .... Is the idea of being a bottom embarrassing for you ? " you laughed a bit .

He now looked away embarrassed " Maybe .... just in our normal every day lives you make me blush at least 7 times a day , at most it's 12 ( Damn calculator ) , sometimes being your man is Hard when I get embarrassed just when you kiss me on the cheek , I'd much rather make you blush than have you make me blush "  ( Da bebe doesn't like being embarrassed UwU )

You turned Zane's face to look at you and kisses him " I love you "

" Not as much as I love you " he laid down on top of you and cuddled .

" Zane your burning up " you rubbed his back .

" I know " he replied and he held you and buried his face in your neck .

" You don't have to push your self that far for me "

" (Y/n ) you miss understand "

" Hum ? "

" it's not because I pushed myself , it's because I'm holding myself back "

You played with his hair " Zane we're a couple and I trust you , if there's something you want to do then I'm ok with it "

" ..... Maybe not now but I want you to promise me something "

" What is it Zane ? "

" .... Even though I'm a robot... I wanna lose my virginity to you one day "

Did he just say that ?

" That is if your ok with it (y/n ) "

As blunt and awkward as his request was you felt all warm and fuzzy inside " Alright , but that means that you will have to make the first move "

" Deal , For now it's check "

" Zane no chess puns " You smiled and gently poked his side .

                                The end

A/n : I didn't know how to end it :/ and well um yea , don't judge , I don't really think most people can see Zane doing this but well the situation demands it I suppose . I tried TwT

This May very well be check but not check mate , hopefully you and Zane won't be locked in a perpetual check 😛

My A / B choices kinda made this seem like an Otome -

   Ps. Imma be old , my birthday is like 3 weeks away , imma be 21 and writing ninjago story's - sounds kinda problematic

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