I Have A Question - Lloyd

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( Lloyd's pov )

Alright ! I can do this ! I'm the green ninja I have fought so many battles! I shall win this ! ....Crud !!!! Why is this so hard !  All I have to do is ask her if she wants to date me ........ nothing too serious......... CRUD ! I CANT DO THIS ! 

I look up and see (y/n) walking towards me , I asked her to meet me at the comic book store , I dk why , I just panicked when I couldn't think of a location, and it's a place that we both like to hang out at so I guess it wouldn't seem to suspicious if I asked to meet her here . Hopefully I won't mess this up and look like an idiot, just remember Ninja Never Quit ! And I will not give up or back down on asking (y/n) to be my girlfriend!

( Your pov )

You walked up to Lloyd and saw that he looked kinda nervous and  fidgety . You shrugged it off and sat down on the couch next to him .

" Hey green Machine, what's up ? "

" Hey (y-y/n ) , how are you ?"

" Good and you ? "

" G-good "

" Really ? Because you look kinda pale ."  You put your hand on his forehead to check and see if he had a temperature, which only made him blush ..... why was he like this ?

" I'm fine ........ "

" You sure ? "

" well no , something actually has been bothering me ......"

" what is it ? Are you ok ? "

" Well the thing is ...... I um ...... I have a crush on someone and don't know how to ask her out ......"

oh , he had a crush on someone? Darn , you knew it couldn't be you , why would he like you ? But your his friend it's your job to be there for him no matter what , you need to support him despite if you approve or not .

" Well it really doesn't matter how you tell her , after all , all girls are different, some like the romantic approach and others such as myself like the more casual approach."

" Casual huh ? ...."

" Yea ? ...if you want you can practice on me ...."

" A-alright........ *sighs* (Y/N) your an amazing girl , and I have had a crush on you probably since we have met , and I have never had a crush before so I hope that you don't turn me down but ...... will you please  be my girlfriend ...."

" Lloyd " you giggled " your supposed to act like I am your crush , your supposed to say her name "

" I .... I did , your my crush " he shyly replied while blushing insanely.

Wait what ?! There's no way ! You must have heard him wrong ! Me ?! His crush ?!

" So ....... about that answer " he nervously rocked back and forth .

My answer ? I did hear him correctly! Lloyd Garmadon, my crush , just asked me to be his girlfriend!!!

" Yea of course Lloyd, I would love too "

" Really ?! "

" Yes you dork " you walked up to him and pecked him on the cheek .

" But I thought I was a "nerd" in your eyes , you know because I read comics  " he smirked .

" Well that makes two of us , now let's see if that new Marvel comic is out ! "

" Or Star Fare ! "

A/N: yep , I dk why but this one took me a while , well probably because I had a sleepover with two friends and I had to work 😅. Well there you go hope you liked it , will update when I can , hopefully today .... but no promises

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