Daddy - Kai

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( Monday )

You haven't seen Kai all day . Where could he be ? You checked in the living room , the training room , kitchen, and even his room but no Kai .

You stepped outside to see Kai sitting with his legs crossed , in a pink tutu , a rainbow boa scarf and even a yellow bonnet . He was sitting on a blanket surrounded by a plastic tea set and stuffed animals , and a little girl in a dress that even you thought was cute .

Kai was obviously uncomfortable, he kept squirming and he had his arms crossed . He looked up at you and went pale . Then he quickly averted his gaze somewhere else . He was in a nervous sweat and the sight of all of this made you burst out laughing .

" It's not funny (Y/n) ! I can never refuse a lady's beckoning- Ow ! Alara ! " Kai screamed after having a tea cup thrown in his face .

" Flirting is gross ! " the girl huffed and put her hands on her hips .

" So who's this little cutie ? " you smiled and held out your hand to pat her head .

" Ah ! I wouldn't do that if I were-"

Too late , the little girl bit your hand . SHES AN ANIMAL ! How can something so adorable be so ferocious ?!

" Alara ! Release ! " Kai grabbed her and pulled her Away from you .

" Just so you know , I have rabies " Alara smiled .

" Alara be nice , (Y/n) this is Alara , my youngest sister " Kai sighed sounding exhausted.

" ..... huh ? I thought it was just you and Nya ? "

" Apparently when my parents were locked away for so long they ended up having another kid , that's what happens when villains kidnap you and your wife and don't give you two condoms"

" ew , Kai gross ! " You and Alara shouted at the same time .

" if your one of his fan girls you can leave , he's going to marry me ! " she gave you the sassiest tone of voice that you have ever heard . She's definitely Kai and Nya's sister , the sass runs in the family . 

" No , actually she's my girlfriend " Kai whispered in her ear .

" Girlfriend ?! " Her attitude from before completely vanished as she ran to you and hugged onto your leg . " When are you getting married ? I wanna be the flower girl ! "

" Uh I'm not sure we're ready for that yet sweetie " you smiled awkwardly.

" oh I know , he's kinda hard headed but at the same time total push over " she smiled innocently .

" Excuse me ?! "

" Butt out Master of Fire " she stuck her tongue out at him " Let's play ( Y/n) ! I wanna be your friend "

( 8 pm )

You were carrying a sleeping Alara to Kai's room . While the temple did have spare rooms , they were all upstairs . It's not like we could just make a six year old girl sleep upstairs , alone , in a previously haunted temple . She came off a little strong when you first met her but she was actually a little lady once you got to know her . She's just not good with first impressions , but then again aren't we all ? 

Kai was walking next to you , pouting .

" Kai you look kinda deflated , who let out all of your hot air ? " You whispered as Kai opened his door for you .

" Nothing " What a bland answer .

" When did you say your parents are picking her up again ? " you tucked Alara into Kai's bed .

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