Love is like war - Zane

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( ur pov) ( 2 days after ur break up with Zane , yes we went back in Time a little XD)

After thinking long and hard about your break up with Zane , you had found that you were slightly depressed. Trying to clear your mind from the subject you called your friend Ryder and asked him to come over .

" He just wasn't himself ! " you vented your emotions to Ryder as he was sitting on the couch and you were laying down and had your legs in his lap . And he just nodded .

" I mean it doesn't make any sense , Zane has never acted like that before, and I know he was lying when he told me that he wants to break up "

" How do you know that ? "

" The look in his eyes , he looked hurt but tried his best to hide it . I know he loves me "

" Then why did he break up with you ? "

"..... i don't know ...... and I am a little mad at him since he never told me that he's a robot , that was a stab to the heart . But that doesn't mean that I don't still love him . Even if he is a robot , and he might be programmed that way .... he doesn't act like a robot at all , he's sweet, kind , gentle and considerate. He actually has feelings that no other machine out there can have . He's so similar to a human, that I thought he was one and I love him just the way he is "

Ryder just nodded .

" You can at least try and act like you care ? "

*shrugs * " As a guy I don't particularly like to hear girls talk about guys , if anything I would want a girl to talk about me  "

"Heh , sounds like your jealous "

"..... nah ...... your my friend and nothing else and I know you can never replace me "

"hummm " guys don't like to hear about guys ....." That's it ! " you sprung up from the couch so fast that both you and Ryder's heads crashed together.

" Ow ! (Y/n)! " he rubbed his head .

" Owie ! Your one to talk "

" What did I do ?! "

" You gave me an idea and it's not my fault that you have such a hard head !"

( time skip , in the park , in the last story )

" I swear your evil sometimes " Ryder snickered.

"Yea yea, but hopefully it will work " you stretched out on the bench .

" Target approaching "

" perfect "

" You sure about this ? "

"Yes why ? "

" I don't know .... it seems kinda ... wrong "

" It's too late for you to bail out on me !"

"...... Fine "

( small time skip )

" I  dare you to kiss someone in the park "

" W-what ?! Chicken ! "

" You don't have any more chickens "

" I'm not going to kiss some random -"

Thats when Ryder put his hand under your chin and made you look at him .

" I said someone, not some random person "he smirked and you felt the blush creep onto your cheeks .

Ryder was at an angle where Zane couldn't see if you were talking or not .

" Ryder what are you doing ?! " you whispered.

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