Hanging out -Lloyd

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It's been about a week since you first meet the adorable blonde haired green eyed boy named Lloyd. Even though he gave you his phone number you really wished that you gave him yours . You really wanted to call or text him so you two could hang out but you didn't want to seem desperate. But would it be desperate if you did ? He did give you his phone number for a reason.

Sighing you picked up your phone deciding to text instead of calling him , you didn't feel like embarrassing yourself by saying something stupid.

(Your text): Hey

(His text):hello ?

(y/t): It's me (your name)

(h/t):Oh Hey ! What's up ?

(y/t): Absolutely nothing! I wanted to see if you could possibly come over to save me from boredom 😅

(h/t):I'm pretty sure I can , what time ?

(y/t):Whenever, do you remember where I live ? Or do you want to meet somewhere?

(h/t):Nah your place is fine , see ya in a few🙂

Oh crap! He's coming over now ?! You sprung off the couch and ran into your room "cleaning " it , well throwing everything in your closet . Your parents weren't home , your dad was at work and your mom was taking a "break " aka with her friend getting her nails done and probably getting coffee. You quickly called your mom to tell her that a friend is coming over , she is usually very protective over you but she actually said she was fine with it .

As soon as you hung up you heard a knock at the door . Opening the door you saw Lloyd, he had a box of (your favorite candy) and handed it to you .

" Hey , it's nice to see you again, my "brother" Zane told me that I shouldn't go over to someone's house without a gift for some reason, so there you go " he nervously rubbed the back of his neck .

"Aw thank you... I guess , it's nice to see you too " you showed him in and shut the door.

" So what are we going to do ?"

oh great you didn't think about that .

" Um I'm not sure what do you want to do ?"

" What ever you want to "

" But your my guest, just pick something, go wild champ "

" Well let's see ...... do you have any Marvel movies?"

" Well duh ! Of course I do ! Marvel is the best !"

" Then you read the comics ?! "

" Haha ..... no " you shook your head ." I don't think that comics are my type of thing"

" Have you ever read one ?" He scoffed

" Well ... no , but it's something that nerds read " you instantly regretted saying that.

"I read comics! And how do you know that you don't like them if you've never read them ?!"

He got you there " Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and read them , but I don't have any and I don't know where to get one "

Lloyd smirked and randomly pulled a comic out of no where .( they randomly pull stuff out of no where in the show so why not XD ) It was a a comic about (your favorite avenger).

"You can start with this "

You stared at it for a while ".......Fine, maybe later"

" No you can read it while I watch this " he said while picking up (your favorite Marvel movie).

" What ?! That's not fair ! "

" Well I know if I don't make you read it now you probably won't read it later , and I would like it back before I leave "

You put the movie in for Lloyd and then plopped down on the couch next to him opening the comic . You started reading while the previews played. One page , two , three with in the time all the previews were over you had finished the comic with a huge grin on your face .

Lloyd looked at you while raising an eyebrow " You ok (your name) ?"

" NO ! " you punched his arm .

" Ow , what was that for ? "

" Because you made me read this ! And it's ...."

" It's ? " he questioned.

" *sigh* ...... AWESOME!!!!!"

" Haha told ya you would like it " he said as he poked your arm .

" What ever nerd let's just watch the movie "

" Well that makes you a nerd too , since only nerds read comics "

" Very funny " you said sarcastically.

You and Lloyd watched the movie and went for a small walk afterwards . Talking about what you two had been doing with in the last week . And then started talking about comics , suddenly arriving at a store and he grabbed your hand and dragged you in .

" Lloyd?! "

" Just go with it " he said while running to grab something . You suddenly realized you were in a comic book store . " Here I think you might like this one " he handed you a comic .

" Um Lloyd I don't have any money on me "

" It's fine , I can pay for it "

" Ok then "

He bought the comic for you and one for him . Walking back to your house both reading , with in the next few weeks both you and Lloyd got really close, hanging out almost everyday.

A/N: hope you liked , thanks for reading, will update soon ♥️

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