Love is like war - Jay

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Didn't feel like writing much so I will sum it up for you . You and Leon start dating, and eventually get married and you have triplets! And Jay ends up with Nya and is miserable for the rest of his life .

THE END ! 😁⬇️

( Jk XD couldn't help myself) ( Jays pov)

" HOW DO I COMPETE WITH HER BEST FRIEND ?! " I paced back and forth in Zane's room . Even though Cole is my best friend I find it easier to rant my problems to Zane , who's busy crocheting and probably isn't even listening. Speaking of which ..." ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME ?! "

" Hum ? Oh sure I am , you were ranting on relentlessly on how you want your Ex girlfriend back and that your afraid that you can't win her over because she's been hanging out with her best friend, and you seem to think that they have really , in your words , " hit it off " , whatever that means " he simply stated as he continued to crochet.

" Huh , I guess you were , what are you even making and why do you crochet ?! "

" one , I'm making all of you blankets because you were complaining about how big and drafty the temple is , Second , I enjoy it , it's a wonderful stress reliever-"

" Why are you stressed ?! "

" Why are you interrupting? It's rude , I'm stressed because I live with you and the others , and third , Aren't we going off topic slightly? "

" Oh , yea ,right ..... so ... WHAT DO I DO ?! "

" Do what you do best "

" Huh? What's that ?! Leon has such an advantage, he's a flirt and he knows her way better than I do ! What do I have ?! Quick tell me , what do I have ?! " I shook Zane back and forth .

He glared at me slightly, when I looked down I saw that I had kinda messed up his crocheting a little and gave him a nervous smile . " Heh heh , sorry Zane , but What where you saying? "

" Make her laugh Jay "

" *sighs * you don't get it do you ? "

" When your talking I usually don't get it , so enlighten me"

" Pft , how rude , but ..... have you heard that  expression that if you make a girl laugh she will fall in love with you ? "

" Perhaps, and isn't that what I just implied? That you should make her laugh ?"

" yea , but that's not how it worked . I tried to make her laugh so she would fall in love with me , but whenever she laughed , I was the one who fell in love "

" Your love for her grew more intense every time she laughed ? "

" yea it did "

" That's interesting since you went back to Nya and left her all broken and unloved "

" I can fix this can't I ?! "

" (y/n) isn't a machine , once a girls heart is broken it can't be fixed "

" Then what am I supposed to do? " I hang my head in disappointment knowing that Zane is right , as usual, darn nindroid .

" Well I'm not sure bu-" Zane got cut off by my phone, which started quacking, I guess I got a text . ( I love that ringtone:P )

Its from (y/n)? She deleted her number but I had memorized it so I put it back in my phone but I never had the guts to call or text her . I opened the message frantically and scanned through it only to drop my phone.

" Jay ? What's wrong? Your awfully pale ."

I couldn't say anything I was too shocked and scared to move . I watched Zane pick up my phone and read the text .

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