Roommate ? - Jay

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( Sorry for the picture, I felt like trying to give u guys a nose bleed XD )

" Yes ! We get to share a room ! It will be like a long lasting sleep over ! " you squealed as you walked into jays room .

" I know right ! I'm so excited I can hardly stand ! " jay then face planted into his bed .

Being the dork you are , you joined him on the bed and laid down next to him .

" So what do we do first ? " you looked over at Jay curiosly .

"...... err ... wanna take a bath together ? "

" W-What ?! " you were completely shocked that he would ask you something like that ! Like hell you would let him see your body ! No way , no how . Not happening.

" Not like that ! We can wear our bathing suits . "

"..... Then why not just go swimming ? "

"...... LETS GO SWIMMING ! " Jay stood up quickly and struck a victory pose , like swimming was his idea , although it was mainly to hide the fact that he was blushing and felt like an idiot .

" So where are we going to swim at around this hour ? " you giggled realizing that it was about eleven .

" Oh that's right .... we went out and shopped for junk food until the store closed at 10 "

You giggled remembering that you pushed jay who sat in the cart and you rode on the car after running then jumping onto it . Then got yelled at by a employee for hitting a display and making a mess , which you and Jay cleaned as a sorry for being so childish.

" Could you imagine getting locked inside a store ? " Jay randomly stated .

" oh my gosh yes ! I'd rade the store ! And then get arrested for it " you laughed .

Jay stood there quite ....

hes never quite , is something wrong?

" Jay ? " you put your hand on his shoulder, that's when he grabbed your arm and pulled you into a kiss . Which made you blush . Hard .

After he pulled away he laughed at your shocked blushing face . " Victory " He snickered . " Now my (Y/n) batteries are charged " he winked and pointed at you with a small bit of lightning coming out of his fingers .

" Then you can't swim " you giggled " If you do we will both be electrocuted "

He then gasped " What ?! No fair ! Then what are we going to do-" he got interrupted buy getting creamed in the face with a pillow that you threw at him.

" Oh it's on ( ur last name ) ! " he then threw the pillow back at you and grabbed his own .

( * small time skip * )

" What is going on in here ?! " Cole walked in rubbing his eyes " Were trying to sleep ! .... where did you get all these pillows ? "

" Enemy spotted ! " Jay threw a pillow and hit Cole .

" Ah ! Hey ! What's with the blanket and pillow forts ?! It looks like a war zone in here ! "

" It is ! State your business ! Friend or foe ?! " you demanded .

" What ? "

" Jays side or my side ?" You stayed buried in your fort so Jay couldn't hit you .

" Pfffttt ! That's easy for him ! I'm his best friend ! There's no way he'd - HEY ! Where are you going Cole ?! Your supposed to be on my side ! Not hers ! " Jay wined .

" Any gentleman would pick the lady's side " he replied while shrugging .

" Oh yea ! High five ! " you smiled at Cole and both high fived each other

" Your going down Blue Bell ! " Cole threw a pillow at Jay .

It wasn't long before the others joined in and soon it wasn't just a war in Jays room , in was a full blow war in the whole temple .

You had Kai , Cole and Zane on your side while Jay had , Nya , Lloyd and Ronin on his . ( * shruggie * had to make the teams even )

All Of you were running through the temple , breaking up into smaller teams trying to ambush the others and discussing battle strategies. It was all so exciting !

As you walked around the corner you saw Jay hiding peeking into the bathroom to see if someone was hiding .

You were about to throw your pillow when Jay suddenly turned around then pinned you to the wall .

" Got ya " he smirked as he pullef your pillow away and threw it across the hall so it was out of ur reach .

" Cheater " You Whispered while blushing upon how close Jay was . " Let me go "

" Surrender ! "

" Never ! "

" Then I guess I'll have to torture you " he leaned in for a kiss just barely letting his lips touch yours . And when you started to kiss back by instinct, he pulled away smirking .

" Jay that's not fair ! " you pouted .

" Aww , you want me to kiss you ? " Jays smile turned into more of an evil grin . He still had you pinned and you couldn't move your arms at all . How unfair .

You kept silent, not wanting to answer such an embarrassing question. Saying yes would sound desperate but saying no would sound so mean .

Jay then pinned both of your arms above ur head with one hand while using his free hand to hold up your chin , making you look into his eyes . " Asnwer me "

" FOR THE ALLIANCE ! " Kai suddenly jumped out and smacked the crap out of Jay with a pillow until he fell onto the floor . Then Kai proceeded to sit on Jay .

" We win! Get got them all ! " Kai stated our victory proudly." Congratulations (Y/n ) who knew you could seduce a ninja to his weak point ? " Kai smirked .

" I DID NO SUCH THING ! " you blushed hard thinking back about the position that you and jay were in when Kai barged in . 

( * another time skip because I feel like it * )

" Shhhh ! You two are being so loud ! " I elbowed Cole as I peeked into jays room from the door .

" Kai you can't just spy on them ! " Cole half Whispered shouted to me .

" oh come on ! Jay got bold during the game , I wanna see if he really isn't that innocent ! ".... " they are both asleep ... damn "

I walked into Jays room with Cole and Lloyd.

......." Is this what love is like ? " Lloyd asked confused .

" Absolutely not in my book " I answered.

Jay was on the floor cuddling one of his pillows while ( y/n ) was sprawled out on the bed . It's obvious that she pushed jay off the bed .

" what a doofus " I sighed .

The next morning jay complained about his back but eventually you two found harmony while sleeping in the same bed . Because some mornings you would be on the floor instead . Being Jays roommate was nothing but pure chaos .

A/n : Hey everyone ! Sorry for not updating in forever, Hope this story is good enough for u guys since u had to wait so long ❤️

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