Possible Halloween Costumes - Kai

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( for you who don't know - Vincent Tong -Aka Kai 's English voice over actor , plays Flash Century ⬆️ )  ( That's why I chose this for ur costumes XD, so make sure to thank Vincent for working for both Ninjago and MLP XD )

Kai - Flash Century

You - Twilight Sparkle

Kai will never admit that he likes My Little Pony Friendship is Magic along with the equestria girls movies that also belong to the MLP producers. It's his deepest darkest secret. But he can't help it . For a little girl show there's lots of action and awesome fictional creatures. Rainbow dash is his favorite because she's too awesome but his favorite ship is Flashlight (Flash and twilight) Being his girlfriend means you know his secret and he makes you tell everyone that it was your idea . while Kai tries to act irritated that this is what you wanted to be for Halloween. Although he's secretly very happy and smiling. You wanted to say no but it was actually really cute to see Kai get excited about a little girls show like this so you couldn't say no XD

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