Hanging out - Zane

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It's been about a week since you last watched your friends bratty brother Brad , and the same amount of time since you have seen Zane . He seemed like a really nice guy but he gave you his phone number just so you could call him when you are baby sitting Brad . It's not like you were interested in him or anything ( yet 😏) you just thought that he was a decent guy and you wanted to get to know him more . That's when you had an idea . Picking up your phone you called your friend to see if you could baby sit for her . ( her parents are never around) She of course replyed with a desperate YES GET ME OUT OF HERE !!!! But there was a catch you would also have to watch his friend.... Gene .

You thought it was worth it , after what Brad did to you last time , you honestly thought that any and all kids were Angles compared to him . So you took the challenge of watching them both . Now to call Zane . You dialed his number and waited for an answer.

" Hello ? ( y/n) ? " he shyly answered .

" Yea , Hey Zane! "

"It's great to hear from you again ( y/n )" and it seemed to be so , you heard a bit of excitement in his voice .

" Likewise Zane , But I called to see if you are free today "

" Y-yes I am , why ?"

" Well I'm babysitting Brad again and wanted to see if you could help "

"Oh........ ok I see " he sounded disappointed, why ? " What time would you like me over ? And what's the location? "

" Um now would be nice , and we can meet up at the park then we are going to my place"

" Alright, are we also watching the little girl ?"

" No ,just Brad and his friend Gene ...simple"

" Gene ? "

" Yes Gene , why ? "

" I am most definitely coming over then , see you in approximately....half an hour "

" Wait what's wrong with Gene ?! Zane ?! " unfortunately he hung up before you asked him those questions.

Walking to the park you decided to just brush it off , not wanting to assume the worst about a kid before you meet them , although you have made that mistake before.

Your friend dropped off Brad and Gene , and you patiently waited for Zane to arrive. Unfortunately you weren't paying attention and the felt something wet hit you . You looked down at your white shirt and saw a huge mud pie on you . Looking up you saw Brad and Gene's hands covered in mud , both having evil grins plastered on their faces .

Just then Zane arrived and snickered a bit when he saw your situation.

" What's so funny ? "

" Oh nothing, apparently with out me you always get into these type of predicaments" He smiled at his words , for someone who hardly has a sense of humor he really seemed to get a kick out of this .

Looking at your shirt again you sighed .

" This stain will never come out , and it's going to be embarrassing to walk back home like this " you groaned.

" Allow me " , Zane pulled out some napkins from his pockets and started to clean off your shirt (stomach area ! I'm not that weird!). Having him be this close did make your cheeks turn pink . But why ?!

After he finished and threw away the napkins there was still a decent looking stain on your shirt .

" Nice try Zane , but thank you anyway "

" Well maybe this will help until you get home" and with that he unzipped his jacket and handed it to you .

" No Zane , it's fine you really don't have to..."

" Just take it (y/n) isn't that what friends are for ? "

You gave in and put his jacket on , it smelled like peppermint and some sort of cologne. You zipped it all the way up and shoved your hands in the pockets .

" Thanks Zane "

" Your welcome (y/n) "

( * time skip * ) ( yea, I know I'm that lazy😅)

You flopped on the couch exhausted.

" Tired already (y/n)? "

" yea ..... why ?"

"Well I was hoping that we would get to hang out , other than babysitting that is " he blushed .

" Well ....maybe some coffee will help .."

You both walked to the mall and went into Starbucks and got (what ever u like) Zane being the gentleman he is absolutely refused to let you pay for it . Not even realizing it you strolled into Barns and Nobel.

You wondered into the (whatever)section, with Zane following close behind. Picking up a book you walked over to the couch that they had in the store, sat down and started reading. Zane sat down by you looking over your shoulder trying to read the book you were reading. You noticed and moved to book over so you both could read , and even scooted closer to him. Neither of you noticed but Zane had put his arm around your shoulders and you were leaning your head on his shoulder.

But reading with him was hard , he finished both pages in half the amount of time it took you to finish one . You even tried speed reading faster than you usually do, but you still couldn't catch up . As you were reading and once Zane finished you never noticed that he was looking at you.

Both of you finished the book and looked outside to see that it was dark , and that the employees were getting ready to close . Starting to get up you finally noticed that Zane had put his arm around your shoulders , he noticed too and both of you blushed heavily.

Walking side by side you left and started to walk by the park again. Boy that brings back some memories.Zane grabbed your hand and walked into the park and sat both of you down on the grass . Both of you were looking at stars and Zane was pointing out constellations .

" You know (y/n) you don't have to contact me only when you need help babysitting, if you want you can call me anytime you would like just so we can enjoy each other's company. "

" Sure Zane , I would like to do this again it was fun "

" Great because I want to do it again as well" he smiled.

" I promise I will call you when ever I want to hang out with you  , and not just for baby sitting help "

And you kept your promise, with in the month Zane and you had gotten very close . Always hanging out , mainly at the park for some fresh air . But you still called him for baby sitting help of course. Zane seemed to always be buy your side , and you loved it .

A/N :  Aww Kawaii ! I like this one 😋 Next will be when u find out u like him XD sorry I'm so slow but a relationship doesn't happen over night , will update soon hopefully XD thanks for reading

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