Roommate - Lloyd

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( Sorry for the picture, I felt like trying to give u guys a nose bleed XD )

Alright I got this , I'm just living here , no big deal and sure you have to stay in Lloyd's room until they get your room ready . No big deal . You reassured your self as you opened the door to Lloyd's room and found a shirtless Lloyd . ( Like the pic above :P )

" Oh hey (Y/n ) "

?! >///< " I - I'm sorry Lloyd ! I didn't mean to I swear ! " you froze , your body not knowing what to do .

" Hum ? Oh it's fine " your innocent boyfriend walked upto you and hugged you while you blushed deeply. " So are you ready for your first night here ? "

" Y-yea I am "

" This is so exciting ! Like a never ending sleepover! "

" Yes , well aside from that becoming a ninja sounds like fun too "

" oh 😅 yea right , that's why your moving in "

" You forgot ?! "

" A little 😅 , I was just too excited to have you here all the time "

" Your so cute, so what do you have planned for tonight? "

" We have a busy schedule " he then grabbed a piece of paper from his dresser and read aloud " Six o'clock , Build a pillow fort , Seven o'clock , grab lots of junk food from the kitchen and sneak it into my room , Seven thirty , pick a whole bunch of movies we wanna watch , Eight o'clock , watch all those movies and cuddle in our blanket fort until we fall asleep ! "

" Wow , impressive "

" I know right ?!" :P " Lets do this ! " Lloyd was all pumped up and was already running out of the door .

" Wait!" You grabbed his arm .

" Huh ? What's wrong , did I forget something ?"

" No .... " you crossed your arms and turned your back to him so he couldn't see you blushing " Get dressed "

? " I am dressed " he said obviously oblivious to the situation.

" No , all the way dressed "

".....ok ? " he grabbed a green Lantern shirt out of his dresser and then grabbed your hand and you two both walked into the kitchen to raid the fridge .

Over the next few hours you two made an awesome fort out of blankets and pillows and hand junk food scattered around the room . And you two had walked countless movies .

* time skip / Morning time ! * ( Kais POV >:P )

i knocked on Lloyd's door countless times but still no answer . Why isn't he out of bed yet ?! It's 10 am ! That's it I'm going in .

I walked in and stepped on a piece of pizza .

....." Damnit Lloyd 😑"

Looking Around there was food all over the floor with movies , along with pillows and blankets.

What the hell ?! Bed room land mine field ?! Idk ! Is this his way of trying to keep us out of his room ?! Heh , it will work .

Carefully making my way through the junk I ended up tripping on something and face planted into a bowl of popcorn .

Id realized I tripped on Lloyd's leg .

Wtf ?! He's buried under this junk ?! Is he still alive ?! Wait where's (Y/n )? Wasn't she staying here ???

I carefully lifted up the blanket covering Lloyd's body . Gosh I feel like I'm in a horror movie ..... ?!

i saw Lloyd and (Y/n) cuddling still asleep together. Lloyd's arms were wrapped around her waist as his chin rested on top of her head . While (y/n)'s hands and her head were resting on his chest . Awwww how cute !

I took out my phone and took a few pictures, yup definitely a Twitter and Face book worthy . Gotta send out a chirp ! :P

I tried to stealthily creep out of his room but ...... I tripped on something else buried under some blankets . Apparently it was a really loud thud because both Lloyd and (y/n) woke up .

" Kai why are you in my room ?! "

" I'm telling Sensei that your not a Virgin anymore ! "

" What ?! But I am! Stop taking things out of context, stupid ! "

" Never mind that , but I am telling him that your room is a safety hazard "

" It is not ! " Lloyd stood up only to step onto a comic , lose his balance and fall on top of (Y/n ) .

Their faces were so close !

" Smile for the camera ! " I snapped a pic and ran away .

" H-hey ! Get back over here ! "

( Back to ur POV )

Lloyd got off of me and ran after Kai .

...... So this is what my life is going to be like everyday? 😑......... I'm with Lloyd 😊 totally worth it !

A/n : gosh that took me forever , sorry for the lack of updates 😣 I'm just getting lazy ...... hope u liked it and thanks for reading !

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