Too late ? - Kai

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Yesterday I finally went to Shortys house and tried to apologize. But she wasn't there . It's the middle of the day and it's summer . Not to mention she's a hermit she's always at home , so why isn't she now ?

Its been a while since I've been outside . It was nice to get some fresh air . Although my arms were still stinging from the pain of cutting myself. I started to walk around the city and I bumped into someone.

" Oh hey there Fire boy "

I looked up " Dareth ? "

" the one and only "

" hey ......."

" You seem blue , even if you are wearing lots of red , I guess that makes you .... purple . " ( hey , dumb puns for Dareth )

" Yea , I guess ....."

" Maybe I can cheer you up "He then threw his arm around my shoulder and walked to a cafe .

" This is it Fire boy "

" Can't you call me Kai ? You know my name"

" True , but Fire Boy has a nice ring to it "

" A cafe ? "

" A Maid Cafe , we have the best customer care "

"...........? "

" Come on buddy , your single , live a little "

" I do , I've come close to death many times"

" Point Being, you need a little TLC  " 

" Tender loving care or totally lost cause ?"

" Trust me buddy , you need this , also ... I need a celebrity's option, that might pack in more customers..."

".......... Fine " I finally agreed and walked in after him and was instantly greeted by a cute girl in a maid costume .

" Hello Master , how may I serve you today?"

" My buddy here needs some special treatment " Dareth threw his arm around my shoulder " his girlfriend dumped him "

" I'm so sorry Master , don't worry we will treat you well , please come with me " the girl grabbed my hand . I felt kinda ridiculous coming in here . Especially since some girl o don't even know is calling me Master , it's just weird. Try to apologize to a girl and this is what I get dragged into ? Yay me *sarcasm*

" Just a second Master , I will be right back " the girl showed me to my table and quickly ran off .

Yea, these girls are cute and all but big deal . I heived a sigh when someone caught my eye . A girl in a Maid costume of course with Shortys hair color. Hum.... no way , it couldn't be her . She wouldn't even take a step into a place like this .

She was carrying a platter with a Strawberry milkshake on it and walked over to a table with a red headed guy .

" Here you go Master , I apologize for the wait . " she sounds like Shorty .

" No problem, after all absence makes the heart grow fonder " the guy smirked . Shesh , this guy is worse than me . "And what did I say about you just calling me Master ? Hum?" well im guessing that he's been here before.

" I'm sorry Master Kyle " she sounds like Shorty again. Apparently I missed her a lot more than I thought I did . I keep hearing her voice .

" I am happy to see you again of course , but dating one of " my maids " , I'm not sure if I can let that slide or not , what do you think Sweetie ?  " this guy really plays the part .

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