Btw- Zane

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Where is he ? He said he would be here ....

You were sitting on a bench at the park . Actually the very bench where you met Zane. It was a regular meeting place for the both of you . You guys had lots of memories here . How you met , baby sitting together, and so on .

You looked at your phone checking the time. An hour late .... Zane is never late ... I wonder if he's ok . If he knew he was going to be this late he would have called , or texted or something ! Maybe his phone was dead or broken and he couldn't get in touch with you . But if that were the case he would use another phone he could find or borrow . But maybe there aren't any other phones around. But this is Zane we are talking about! He would probably send a carrier pigeon with a note just to tell you something.... he has done that before actually.

You thought about that time . It was so cute ! Zane's phone was working just fine but he sent you a love letter from a .... well not a pigeon but from a falcon ! What was awesome! And cute that he would do that but how did he get a falcon to do something like that ?! You boyfriend was a mystery wrapped inside of another mystery . Basically hard to read but you loved it . Wait Zane ! Where is he ?!

You decided to text him .... 10 minutes later answer .... I guess I can call him ? Maybe he didn't hear that he got a text . You called .... no answer. This is so unlike Zane!

You couldn't help but be worried. What if he got hurt ? Relax (y/n) Zane is a responsible guy , I'm sure he's fine .........maybe I should call one more time ....

" Look out ! "

" Hum ?" You looked up in time only for a man dressed in all white to tackle you to the floor as he fell on top of you .

" Ow " you groaned.

" I'm sorry Darli-er I mean miss " his voice sounded like Zane's for a second but then sounded like someone else . " Are you alright?"

"Yea but you are kinda heavy , why did you tackle me to the -"

Before you could finish your sentence the guy flipped you two over just in time before some giant robot ( *shrugs * y not ? ) had the chance to smash you two .

" Whoa ! Thanks ! "

" Don't thank me yet , you can thank me after your safe ! " he grabbed your hand and started running in the opposite direction as the robot while five other people in Red, blue , black , green and light blue ran up to it .

Wait those colors ... masks .... THE NINJA! Awesome ! And you were being saved by the white ninja of ice ! Double awesome! Wait , what were the ninjas names again...? Hum I can't remember at the moment... but I can't wait to tell Zane !

The white ninja dragged you into an alley.

" Now please stay here where your safe Ma'am "

" Ma'am ? " you raised an eyebrow, that is usually what people say to people of older stature .

" Pardon, I mean Miss " he fidgeted around nervously and even though you couldn't see his cheeks you could tell he was blushing.

" Are you alright ? " you looked into his eyes and stepped a bit closer not only to make him get even more flustered but you also found a familiar sent on him . Peppermint and Zane's cologne?

" Y-yes I'm f-fine , if you will excuse me " he started to run away but you grabbed his hand.

" Zane ? Is that you ? "

His eyes went wide " N-no of course not ! Who is Zane ? " he gently removed his hand from yours .

" But ... " hum I'm 90% sure that it's Zane but how do I get him to admit it ?

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