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imma give ya short scenarios for holidays :P yayyyy

New Years :

Lloyd : likes to stay up late and think of his New Years resolution while watching action movies .

Kai : goes to bars or parties , likes to watch the ball drop at midnight , ends up sleeping all day on January 1st .

Cole : Thinks it's kinda a stupid holiday because people * cough cough * Kai ! * cough * act like wild animals , ends up going to bed early .

Jay : Stays up all night playing video games anyway so you have to shake him away from his game to let him know it's the new year .

Zane : Stays up reading all night and seriously considers how he will become better next year with his resolution.

Christmas :

Lloyd : Usually spent buying gifts for everyone and helping plan party's , definitely charity work , he will be Santa and you usually will be his elf or reindeer

Kai: Partying , loves ugly sweater contests but ends up being the most fashionable one at the party and always looses , on Christmas Eve you two usually snuggle up by the fireplace and fall asleep there to wake up to Christmas morning .

Cole : the same as Lloyd basically, toys for tots , loves fruit cake , he also likes to walk and look at the Christmas lights with you and sing carols . Cuddling on the couch with hot coco is a must as well .

Jay : Dashing through the snow , get out of the way , because jay will hit you with his snow board , Hey ! (It's awful I know ) sledding, snow boarding , Skiing , making snow men , snow forts and snowball fights ! Jay just loves playing in the snow ! After you two freeze to death you stay in the hot tub drinking egg nog and munching on cookies .

Zane : Baking , caroling , cuddling and opening a gift on Christmas Eve . He loves decorating the tree and wrapping the presents and always knows just what to get everyone . He's the one who makes Christmas dinner and has you by his side , either burning the food or actually helping ( if your a good cook or not , which I'm not )

Thanks giving :

Lloyd: struggles to think of things he's thankful for but usually ends up being peace and his brothers , isn't allowed in the kitchen so helps set up the table and decorate . Actually likes the turkey . Hates green bean casserole.

Kai : likes stuffing and mashed potatoes, is very thankful for his family and invites his parents over . His favorite holiday is probably thanks giving because he feels he has a lot to be thankful for. Hates how everyone skips over thanks giving because they are too excited for Christmas.

Cole : Food , yep one of his favorite holidays because he's allowed to stuff himself but then immediately exercises the day after to work all of it off . Tries to help in the kitchen but isn't allowed to . Appreciates the history of the first spinjitsu master separating the lands to form their ninjago ( le shrug , close enough right ? )

Jay : absolutely refuses to go a thanksgiving without watching the Peanuts thanks giving movie , will dress up as a Turkey and will make you be a pilgrim. Loves the pumpkin pie - excuse me , lemme rephrase that , loves his whipped cream with pumpkin pie on the side .

Zane : Always gets roped into wearing a pilgrim outfit while in the kitchen . Cooks everything very well , after everyone eats he makes them do the dishes so he can relax and enjoy the rest of the holiday with you .


Lloyd : Dresses up in his Ninja costume and stays home giving the kids candy instead of taking it away from them like he used to .

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