Kiss kiss fall in love - Lloyd

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( if u get my reference, I love you )

You and Lloyd were pushed into the closet by Jay . It was Nyas birthday party and you guys were playing truth or dare at first but when the rest of the ninja discovered that neither you or Lloyd have played seven minutes in heaven , they basically had a heart attack . Especially when they also learned that you and Lloyd haven't even made out yet .

You and Lloyd just kinda sat there awkwardly not quite knowing what to do . In your mind you were thinking of ways to possibly start but you cast those aside because ....

A. You didn't want things to get too far in a closet .

B. You knew jay will most likely open the closet at the worst possible moment .

You sighed out loud on accident but didn't even notice that you did . Is there really even an innocent approach at making out ?

You turned to look at Lloyd deciding to just try and engage in a conversation instead but that didn't end up happening because before you knew it your lips were pressed against his .

You blushed not quite expecting the sudden kiss but soon melted into it and wrapped your arms around his neck . He proceeded to wrap his arms around your waist and he pulled you into his lap , while you wrapped your legs around his waist . You guys were so in sync !

His kisses soon got a little sloppy as he hesitantly licked your bottom lip . Since you could tell he was nervous you decided not to tease him and allowed him access to your mouth.

In doing such you moved your hands to play with his hair gently pulling at it . So soft and silky. But almost Simultaneously both you and Lloyd pulled away for air . Both of you panting and blushing .

Lloyd then hugged you and started kissing your neck . " How am I doing ? "

You gulped and blushed more " G-great "

Lloyd then kissed a spot on your neck that made you gasp quietly. You felt him smirk against your neck then start kissing and sucking there . Is he really going to give me a hickey ?! That's when you felt a sharp pain on your neck .

" ow Lloyd ! Did you just bite me ?! "

Lloyd snickered " Maybe "

...." Did you leave a mark ? " -.-

".... Nope " Lloyd avoided eye contact... the little sneak . With this you decided to get a little revenge . And ended up kissing him again .

You licked his lip to see if he would obey like you did , and sure enough he opened his mouth but you pulled away gently biting his lip which made his face turn pink .

" ( Y/n ) ! Stop teasing me ! " he buried his face in your neck .

You giggled at his childlike reaction " I can't help it Lloyd , your so cute ! "

" I'm not cute " he huffed .

" Yes you are , your such a child sometimes " as soon as those words left your mouth Lloyd had pinned you to the floor .

You looked up at your boyfriend who now had you trapped underneath him . " I hope you realize " he started then leaned down and kissed the hickey he left on your neck " that I'm not a little boy anymore (y/n) "

He sat back up with a serious expression "  I'm a man , don't make me prove it to you "

As much as you wanted to giggle , the look he was giving you along with that last part of the sentence made you keep quiet. Lloyd is definitely mature when he wants to be .

You nodded " I understand but I want top when you decide to prove it to me " you giggled again .

Lloyd then blushed slightly " Nope I'm top "

" Just kiss me " you wrapped your arms around his neck only to bring him crashing down on top of you again and he kissed back .

" ok ! Times up ! " Jay opened the door .

Lloyd looked up at jay blushing slightly " You would open the door now "

" Aw man did you guys just start ? No fun ! " Kai teased .

" Yep just started , meaning we get seven more minutes " Lloyd then shut the closet door .

You couldn't help but blush a little " But we didn't - " Lloyd cut you off with another kiss . Looks like we will be needed more than seven minutes.

A/n : Love you 😘 the end hope u liked

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