Love is like War - Cole

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( Lance's POV )( because why not ? XD ) (week later)

It was break . (Y/n) and I were eating lunch together like we always do since we work together. I decided to get up and get our orders like I always do . It's a gentlemanly thing to do and anything for my girlfriend right ? But its still bugging me that she said that she will let me decide on whether or not we are dating . Makes it kinda sound like she doesn't want to date me . But we are dating.... why are relationships so complex ?

As I was walking back with our food I saw her looking at her phone again . She isn't . Not again . But surly enough when I got over there I saw her looking at pictures of her ex , Cole . She didn't even know I was standing there. She kept dreamily staring at pictures of Cole . Why does she do that ?! She doesn't want him back does she ?! I'm with her now so she doesn't need him ! I cleared my throat and she looked up .

" Hey Lance "

"........ Hey , *sighs * why do you do that ? "

" Hum ? Do what ? " she turned the screen of her phone off .

" We are dating , you know that right ? "

" Um yea of course I do silly " she giggled .

" Then why do you always stare at your pictures of your ex Cole ? "

" ..... I ... I don't know , it's just I had lots of good memories with him "

" We can make lots of good memories too , if not better "

"..... Yea I guess your right .... "

" Of course I am , I would never cheat on you like he di-" I said too much without realizing it . (Y/n) looked like she was going to cry now . " I'm sorry I didn't mean it "

" He didn't cheat on me ..... I don't think so at least . "

I sat next to her and hugged her . " I'm sorry , I shouldn't have bought it up , it's none of my business anyway..... but it's in the past and he didn't see how valuable you are "

" What do you mean valuable?"

" Your like a treasure that was hidden away from the world , many have passed by you without knowing how precious and valuable  you are and I was the one lucky enough to find you " ( I stole this from my bf 😅 )

*giggles * " You sound like a pirate "

*snickers * " Aye , there lassy , that I be ! And no one shall steal my precious treasure away from me ! " ( 😅 oh come on u laughed XD I know u did XD )

" Honestly Lance , your such a gentleman at times but your really a big dork ! " she laughed.

" Thank you ? "

" Your welcome " she leaned in to kiss my cheek but I quickly moved my face so our lips would connect instead.

She pulled away abruptly " Lance , not at work , people are staring " she was blushing hard .

" Your right , sorry ....." we kissed at work before , now she seems to have a problem with it . I bet if I were that Cole guy she would have kissed back .

Lately that's all she has been thinking about . Him ! Cole ! Not me , I'm the one who's dating her ! If she wants him back so badly then why did she even date me in the first place ?! To toy with me ?! To make him jealous ?! Or is she just a player ?! Is this a test or a challenge ?! Yea it's a challenge isn't it ?! Bring it on Cole !

( time skip )( next day )( ur POV )

Its Lances day off . So today you will be eating lunch alone . As much as you love him he's a little overwhelming sometimes . You walked out of work going to ( some other restaurant) , since you eat there every day a change is always nice . You should be able to get back to work in time . You looked at your phone as you walked checking the time and bumped into someone.

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