I Have A Question -Jay

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( Jays pov)

OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NOOOOOO !!!! CRAP ! DARN ! DANG ! SHOOT ! FIDDLESTICKS!!! AND MARMALADE !!!!! I CANT DO THIS !!!! IM GOING TO DIE !!! GET AHOLD OF YOUR SELF JAY ! YOU ASKED NYA OUT ! YOU CAN ASK (Y/N) OUT TOO! I got this ! Your a ninja jay ! Put on your A game and just do it !

( your pov)

Jay asked for me to meet him at the mall , probably to go arcading, it's alright I guess but I like to go to Claire's! Well of course jay wouldn't like that XD , but when he callled he sounded kinda nervous.... hum wonder why ... maybe Zane was on to him about that prank he pulled and blamed it on Kai .

I finally got to the mall and sat down in one of the random couches that they have laying around . As I sat there texting Jay about to ask him where he is I felt someone poke my sides ( JUMPER CABLES !!! ) which just about literally sent a bolt of electricity up my spine.


" Hehehe ..... Nice to see you too (y/n) "

" Yea it is nice to see you actually"you smiled.

" Oh really ? Missed me that much hum ? " He snickered.

" Actually yea ! Your lots of fun , why got a problem with me liking hanging out with you ? " you giggled and poked his side .

" Hahahaha......... nope ! Not at all ! " he grinned nervously and then mumbled something under his breath.

" What was that Jay ?! "

" NOTHING !!!! "

" Jay Gordon Walker ( he uses his real last name as a middle name 😅) tell me what you said " you crossed your arms .


" Jay you just got here ! " your grabbed his arm before he started to run .

" Just remembered I have this thing ......at this place ........ where I have to ... um ...er .... do some sort of task ! Yea that's it ! "

" Jay you suck at lying "

" I have to help my parents! "

" You said that they went on vacation yesterday "

" I'm watching their house ! "

" You said that Echo Zane was doing that "

" I ...... um ........ SHOOT ! Why do you have to know me so well ?! "

" Because you never shut up and I'm your friend, I know everything about you "

" Not everything about me " he faintly whispered, hoping you didn't hear .

" Jay what do you mean not everything ? "

Jay suddenly went into a panic " Haha ( y/n ) you know me ... always messing around! "

You gave him an unamused glare , showing how serious you were , you have had enough of this , what was going on ?!

" Jay just tell me what's wrong "

He sighed " I asked you here because....I was hoping that you would consider dating me ....... now I realize just how stupid that thought is , like you said your my friend, I'm Friend Zoned with you " he tried to muster a fake smile to hide his disappointment , as all the energy seemed to get drained from him body .

" Jay ! " you giggled " you really are an idiot sometimes! "

He just looked at the ground, with a heartbroken hearted look on his face .

" Hey " you lifted up his face to look at yours " Of course I will be your girlfriend you big dork ! "

He smiled brightly as you saw all the excitement and life come back to his eyes and face .

" REALLY ?! "

" Yes really ! I thought you would never ask " you accidently admitted and blushed ." Oh btw what did you mumble earlier?! "

" Got a problem with me having a crush on you " he blushed .

" Not at all " you snickered

" I've been trying too ask you for so long ! I can't believe you said yes !!! "

" why wouldn't I ? "

" I thought you liked someone else ..."

" Who ?! "

" ( your second favorite ninja )"

" Jay don't be ridiculous ! "

You hugged him tightly " I like you "

He hugged back slightly " well that's a shame "

" What do you mean ? "

" It's a shame that you like me"

" .... ? Jay your not making any-"

" Because " he interrupted "you only LIKE me but I LOVE you " he leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"Oh Jay !Your so cheesy! But I love you too "

A/n : Aw ! I actually like this Jay one ! Well I actually like all of them 😅Not to boast or brag or anything. Why do all my least favorite ninjas stories come out better than my favorites ?! 😑😰😅 Well there's Jays , hope you like 😊 Thanks for reading !

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