Wasted - Jay

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Hey guys ! Been a while huh ? Bet y'all thought I died . Lots Of things have happened to me since the last time I've written on here ,But who cares . I realized that I've been very gender specific in the story . sorry about that . It kinda bugs me now but I'm too lazy to go back and fix pronouns and such . So let's use your ✨ imagination ✨ . But I'll try a little harder to make it friendly for everyone:) 

It was the day of the departed and Jay wanted to honor his dad . His real father of course since his parents were still alive and well . Not to mention super sweet , they absolutely loved you and supported your relationship with Jay and even joked about grandkids ( adoption too if that need to be an option )

After you and Jay had lit a lantern you both went to his parents house to have dinner and look at bath time pictures of Jay after you all had eaten . " Mom ! You don't have to show them that ! Wait lemme rephrase that ... they don't need to see it ! " he quickly snatched up the book and walked away with it . Giggling you and his parents talked some more " oh dear Ed I think it's our bedtime " she looked to the clock .

" mom it's only 8 ? " Jay tilted his head in confusion
" son we aren't as young as we used to be . But that won't stop us from being there for you when you need us " Ed hugged onto Jay and ruffled his hair .

You smiled and joined the hug , Edna joining as well to have one family group hug . " don't forget to visit more and bring (y/n) with you ! We love them and can't wait for them to officially be apart of our family " Edna waved to you two from the door .
Jay's instant reaction to his moms words made him blush darkly " THATS ENOUGH MOM LOVE YOU BYE ! " he quickly walked off with his hand in yours .

" back to the temple ? " you questioned him , Jay shook his head " I thought we could celebrate a bit more .... I know after everything that happened with the Djinn no one remembers but I went and got the key for that mansion again and my dad had some really nice wine there .... Did you wanna maybe go there with me ? "

"Wait a what ? " you questioned him before shaking your head with a small laugh " never mind , of course I'd go with you " you gently squeezed his hand making him smile and summon his dragon and hold his hand back out to you . Which you happily took as he lifted you onto his dragon then flew away .

Upon arriving Jay led you into the living room , while waiting for him you looked around at all the photos " he doesn't look like his dad , I wonder if he looks like his mom then ? Maybe both ? " Jay came back in finally and put a few snacks on the table along with a bottle of wine . " careful , I hear you can get a nasty hangover from wine " you smile as you sat down .

Jay laughed as he struggled with the cork " ha ! I've beat multiple villains and Had to deal with snake and spider venom , I think I can survive a hang -woah ! " he got the cork off though it shot across the room and broke the mirror on the wall .
You decided to humor him and clapped " well done great and powerful blue ninja , what will be your next trick ? "
" s-shut up " he huffed and poured you both a glass as he sat next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist . You hummed as you took a sip " this is kinda sweet . I hear it's the sugar that kills you ..." you smirked a bit " but not as bad as your mom showing me naked pictures of you ~ " you teased . Jays face turned bright red again As he downs his wine " nope I don't know what you're talking about !"

By the time you had noticed Jay had at least three glasses of wine while you had taken it easy and only finished your one . Hangovers are no fun after all . But Jay was clearly drunk , his words slurred as he mumbled to himself . " Um Jay .... We should get to bed " you carefully placed your hand on his shoulder making him slap it away . " rude " you commented .

" no .... You know what's rude ? That my real parents just abandoned me ! " he threw his glass at the wall . Uh oh ... was he an angry drunk ? That would explain why everyone else was so hesitant to drink around him . " look at me ! Im a fantastic kid ! Im smart and funny and handsome ! Why did they leave me behind ?! They just put me on someone's door step ! What if my parents were bad people and hurt me huh ?! Boy did I get lucky ! " he growls . You gasped and grabbed his face gently slapping his cheeks " Jay don't say that about your parents ! You love them and they are amazing!"

" but ...." His eyes filled with angry tears " why didn't they want me ?! Why would anyone ?! Why would you ?! " he pushed you away , it didn't hurt nor did you really get pushed much due to how wasted Jay was . " Nya hates me , Cole hates me , all my friends and family hate me and so do you . Im just comic relief to everyone ! "
You sighed and grabbed his hand , leading him upstairs to a bedroom while he continued to yell and complain angrily to himself before you pushed him down onto a bed and crawled on top of him , straddling his lap .

" if I really hated you would I be here right now ? In this bed with you ? " you questioned him .
" n-no but ..." he started before you covered his mouth with your finger then leaned down to kiss him deeply , Jay slowly relaxing into the kiss and returning it , his hands moving to your thighs to rest there .

" you're always so full of joy and laughter , how odd that you being drunk would make you the opposite.... Or is that how you really feel and you just hide it behind a smile Jay ? "

Jay teared up again and hugged onto you tightly " .... Stop seeing through me or else I'll know that you're secretly a witch " he mumbled which made you laugh a little . It was something both drunk and sober Jay would say so you weren't sure how to react . He buried his face in your neck as he whines " my head hurts alreadyyyyy ! " he huffs .

You laid down next to him and pulled him into your chest , playing with his hair " let's sleep okay ? " he nodded and hugged onto your waist as he fell asleep almost instantly , you fell asleep not too long afterwards. Both of you holding each other until morning .

By the time morning hit you had woken up a bit early to research a few meals that might help with hangovers . After you had finished cooking you could head Jay trudging downstairs .

"(Y/nnnnnnn)" he whines " my head hurts so much that lights are stabbing my brain and my eyes " he says awkwardly. You just laughed a little and grabbed a bottle of pain meds , tossing them to Jay only for them to hit him in the face and make him whine more . " ah sorry usually you have good reflexes " you quietly apologize and sit him down . Today was going to be a long day of treating your boyfriend like a baby .

Heyyyyy hope you liked . If not I understand it has been a hot minute since I've written anything so I'm probs rusty . Well thanks for being patient 💕and I'll try to write more soon

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