You meet Jay

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You sped through the streets of Ninjago City on your bike . You weren't in a hurry for anything you just liked to go fast . Sure you had your drivers license but you enjoyed being on your bike more . You were on your way to the mall , just to mess around and unnecessarily spend money on what ever you wanted. Counting the blocks you had about three more to pass before arriving at your destination .

You glanced down at your watch it read 4:45 ,before you could bring your head back up to look to see where you were going you heard someone scream ...

" LOOK OUT !!!!"

Snapping you head to look back up , you instantly slammed on the breaks on your bike , closing your eyes in the process. But when you opened them you didn't see anyone standing in front of you . Looking to both the left and right you didn't see anyone.  Am I crazy or something? I could have sworn that someone told me to look where I was going. That's when you looked down and saw a boy wearing all blue with reddish brown hair on the floor in the fetal position .

" shit ! I'm so sorry ! " you gasped feeling really guilty that you nearly creamed this guy with your bike . You quickly jumped off your bike and bent down to help him up.

" It's ok ... I guess , why were you going so fast ?!Where are you going and are you being chased or something?!" the guy squeaked as he took your hand . 

"Um  no I just like to go fast , call it a bad habit and I'm going to the mall  " you replied while snickering. This guy was so dramatic.

" So is hitting guys with your bike something you do on a regular basis for fun or is that just a bad habit ? " he smirked at his smug reply .

" Yea totally! I keep a score sheet in my room " you played along.

" What number are you on now ? "

" well to be honest one on my bike and one in my car .....hehe "

" YOU HIT SOMEONE WITH YOUR CAR ?!" His eyes went wide .

" What ?! No I almost hit him ,it was an accident  , I knew who he was and personally this guy really irritates me " you replied trying to defend yourself.

" Oh an accident you say ? I'm sorry but I have a hard time believing that " he smiled.

"It was ! I swear! "

"Sure it was "

"I would never hit someone with my car !"

" If you say so , but hitting someone with your bike hurts too you know "

" I didn't hit you either "

" Close enough, anyway my names Jay Walker , what's yours ?"

" It's (y/n ) "

"Hmm I like your name , it's pretty cool " he instantly blushed after realizing what he had said .

"T-thanks" you cheeks started turning pink as well " I like your name too , it suits your annoyingly funny personality "

" Am I really that annoying?!"

" Only time will tell , that is if I ever see you again " you picked up your bike while saying these words.

" Maybe we can " he quickly got out a pen from his pocket and grabbed your arm .

" What the ?!"

" Calm down I'm just giving you my number, I don't have any paper "

You giggled as he wrote down his number on your arm , it kinda tickled. When he was done you grabbed the pen from his hand and wrote your number on his forehead , he giggled as well .

" Well thanks Jay , sorry again for almost hitting you with my bike "

" It's fine I have lived through worse "

" Well hopefully we will see each other soon"

"Yea probably sooner than you think " he smirked .

Slightly weirded out by the comment you got back on your bike and slowed down a bit to avoid hitting anyone else.

You arrived at the mall and strolled around for at least half an hour when you noticed a familiar face .

" Surprised to see me again?" asked Jay .

" Um yea are you stalking me or something?"

" No I was on my way here myself, I needed to buy a new video game "

" yea ? Which one ? " You raised an eyebrow.

" Not tellin ! "

" alright then , I won't pry but since we are both here want to hang out a bit ?"

" Yea I would love to "

You and Jay raided about every store in the mall . Wasting money on things such as food , video games, clothes , etc . Both of you laughing while you walked around the mall for three hours.

A/N : yea I know this one kinda sucks and I probably could have done a better job but I kinda like it , so I hope you guys do , and Jay isn't really my favorite by far . So writing this was a challenge XD will up date ASAP thanks for reading ♥️

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