First Date - Lloyd

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You finished getting dressed in your room . Wearing your favorite/ best outfit. You wanted to look nice but not too nice, cute but not too cute , just be simple but cute . This is Lloyd we are talking about he probably doesn't care about what you are wearing. And you didn't want to over do it .

Standing in front of the mirror you decided that you looked perfect..... hopefully. That's when you heard a knock at the door . You ran to the door , tripping on air a few times , but you got there alive . Opening the door you stood there seeing Lloyd dressed in ( whatever u like ) . He smiled and handed you some (ur favorite flowers) .

" Wow thanks Lloyd "

" Hehe , your welcome, Cole said that girls like flowers and I remembered that when we played the Q/A game you said that these were your favorite... so ta da ! There you go "

" Well I love them ..... You clean up nicely " you giggle .

" Hehe um yea .... Jay says it's best to look nice for your date "

" Lloyd your such a Dork , do you always need help / advice from your friends?! "

" When I'm clueless about my situation... definitely "

" Girls ? "

" Correction, Girls and Dating ! "

" Ah I see .... well I'm sure you will get the hang of it sooner or later "

" I hope so " 😅

" I'm going to quickly put these in a vase , want to come in ? "

" I'm fine , I can wait "

*time skip * ( walking to ....)

" So where are we going ? "

" Well its summer and they are doing that cheep dollar thing at the movie theaters , and I don't really have a lot of money .... "

" Lloyd you don't need to take me on a fancy date , and that sounds like lots of fun , but are we going to eat ? "

" Yea , I guess we should do that first , I was early when I got to your house "

You and Lloyd went to ( wherever) and ordered ( whatever) . While eating dinner you noticed that Lloyd was nervous, and that he's also very clumsy when he is . He spilled his drink twice , got ketchup on his shirt and even fell out of his chair . He was embarrassed you could tell , but you couldn't help but laugh and he laughed with you . Why must Lloyd be so adorable ?! Then it came to paying for dinner .......

" I'm paying (y/n) "

" Lloyd please let me pay , it's only fair , after all your taking me out , I need to pitch in somehow "

" That's just it , I asked you out and planned on spending money , I'm sure I have enough "

" and what if you don't ? I don't want you to spend all your money on me "

" But I want to ..... I don't mind "

"  How about this , I pay for you and you pay for me ?"

" No , as the guy I think it's my responsibility to pay for you "

The waitress came up to the table and you quickly slapped some money on the table . Before Lloyd could react she left , going to get you some change . You childishly stuck your tongue out at Lloyd.

" Hey ! That's not fair ! "

"Too late it's already been done green bean!"

" Fine ... but I'm paying for the Movie ! "

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