Random stuff about ur ninja bf part 5 ! 😅

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How they " Flirt "   :

Lloyd :  " If you were a vegetable , you would be a Cute-cumber "

( You ) " Doesn't that me you will eat me ? "

Lloyd : .... * tries not to have a dirty mind and blushes hard *

Kai : " Lets play the fire truck game , I move my hands up ur legs and u say red light when u want me to stop , let's see how brave u are "

* Kai moves hands up ur legs and gets to ur thighs *

( You ) " Red light ... Red light ! KAI I SAID RED LIGHT !!!  " >///<

* Kai is laughing evilly while moving his hands further up ur thighs * " Fire trucks don't stop at red lights "

Cole : " (y/n) , time for a spelling bee , the first word is easy , spell The word Me "

( You ) " M-E "

Cole : " u forgot the D "

( you ) " There isn't a D in Me "

Cole : " Wait until tonight " * Cole walks away *

( You ) ....." W-WAIT WHAT ?! "

* Cole is secretly hiding behind the wall laughing *

Jay : " Your cheeks are red , my boxers are blue , tonight I'm going to fuck you "

( You ) ..........." Twinkle twinkle little star , u can try but won't get far , no matter how hard u try , I won't bat an eye , Twinkle twinkle ur bad luck , u might as well just give up "

Jay : ..... * sits in corner and cries *

Zane : .......... *awkward blinking  *

( you ) " What are you doing ? "

Zane : " I'm winking "

( You )* feels bad for him trying and failing *  " oh my god ur adorable , I love you "

Zane : " Nailed it "

How they sleep :

Lloyd: he mostly sleeps on his back , but he tosses and turns a lot . Due to nightmares , he gets them frequently because of his past . You know , dad being evil and trying to kill you , mom abandoning you , Ex girlfriend tried to kill him ...... everyone trying to kill him .

Kai : on his side , and will most likely kick you out of bed . He moves around like a wild fire in bed . But depending on how tired he is , he will just lay there kinda almost lifeless other than his breathing .

Cole : also on his side , because he's a huge cuddle monster in bed . If he isn't cuddling you , he's cuddling whatever he can get his hands on . Mostly pillow . Believe it or not but he's actually a light sleeper and will wake up at the slightest noise , other than his snoring , he snores quietly, it's actually kinda cute . Unless he's dead beat tired then it sounds like there's a chain saw in his room .

Jay : on his stomach . But he sprawls himself out so there's no room on the bed . He's a bed pancake . He talks in his sleep , ALOT . And sometimes but very rarely  sleeps with his eyes open . And he walks in his sleep , you caught him trying to take a shower in his pjs in the middle of the night . Jay just has all the worst sleeping habits .

Zane : um , robotic .... how else are u supposed to say it ? He doesn't move much , he just looks so at peace . Although sometimes he's like a kid and grabs ur hand and pulls u into bed before u can leave his room and says that " he just can't fall asleep without u here " , which u know is a lie but u play along anyway .

Their reaction to horror movies :

Lloyd : The one who tries to act calm and kinda gets away with it . He holds ur hand and says it will be ok only to squeeze your hand tightly when something scares him . He flinches and u have even seen him calmly close his eyes  . He's pretty good with dealing with fear .

Kai : the asshole that puts the not rated horror movie in . He always fake moans when people go at it in the movie and even slips his hand up ur shirt ( depending on if ur alone ) . Smacks ur arm or leg when he knows that something is going to jump out then he laughs his head off when u scream . But then he's less of an asshole and lets u sleep in his bed so u won't have nightmares . ( although he does it on purpose so u cuddle him all night )

Cole : the one who has no reaction to anything. He just sits there and watches . He might flinch . MIGHT . And sometimes u hear him go " oh shit " when something surprises him but very rarely . He mostly has u in his lap and holds u during any movie and u usually feed each other popcorn . It's just a weird habit u two picked up .

Jay : the one who screams and hides behind u or hugs onto a pillow . He jumps a lot and nearly fell off the couch once or twice . He's also the one who stands up and yells at the tv saying " Ha ! I knew it !" Or " But that can't be the ending ! " after the movie he try's to play cool and says he wasn't scared but u soon find him in ur bed hugging onto u like a scared little boy .

Zane : prefers to not watch them . Not because they scare him but because of the rating . He's really picky about what he watches . So the only kind of horror u two do is mostly paranormal stuff but he fast forwards past any sexual content . Not the best to watch movies with since he just about lacks all emotion and just finds it to be more of a paranormal documentary than a horror movie .

When your on your period :

( Or not if ur a guy or ur just a girl that hasn't gotten it yet .... lucky ) ( then just skip over this )

Lloyd : forgets what a period is then gets embarrassed when u tell him . He worry's when u wince in pain just the sightless bit and makes u lay down . He kinda treats u like ur in labor and refuses that u get up . If ur moody he just agrees with u about anything then walks away peacefully. Too scared to buy ur Tampons / pads because he doesn't even know what to get nor does he know where they are in the store , is too afraid to ask out of embarrassment.

Kai : being a big brother Kai has dealt with his fare share of periods and mood swings from Nya . Kai treats u like royalty and is just super sweet which was super surprising to u . He cuddles u when u have cramps and doesn't pick fights when ur moody and try's to make u feel better / calm down . He always buys the right tampons / pads , pain killers and whatever u crave . Best way to sum it up , Kisses and cuddles . Sometimes u even look forward to ur period .

Cole : has no shame in buying pads / tampons for u . It's for his girl , he takes it seriously , he's a man on a mission . Sometimes he will even google what some girls want when they are on their time of the month . Just like Kai , cuddles and kisses are a definite yes . But he also comes back home with movies and books . Cole is only obedient on ur time of the month and would do anything u ask ( and I mean anything * wink wink , nudge nudge * ......*  smacks myself * -////- )

Jay  : he's an angel on ur time of the month , mostly because last time u almost killed him  . He buys u all the food ur craving but does set a limit for u so u won't gain weight . When u have cramps he will buy pain killers and always ends up buying the wrong Pads / tampons . He also pulls a lot of period jokes like " what size vagina are u ? Or " it's blow job week ! " which usually earns him a night on the couch .

Zane : doesn't think much of it , he buys what u need for u and even makes u take naps when ur on ur period. Also since he's a robot and can sense ur hormonal imbalance before u officially start , he's already prepared for the week . He holds ur hand when u have cramps and kisses ur forehead when u have headaches . Cooks for u and even reads books to u while ur trying to sleep .

Thats that's all I have for now . Since I've been gone for so long I wanted to do something quickly for u guys to read instead of waiting for me to write a whole chapter , although I'm sure u would prefer that . I'll try and work on the story ASAP ! Love u all thank u for being patient ❤️

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