You meet Kai

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Ok you were moody af ! Why ? Who knows , it was just one of those days . You were at home and suddenly grew enraged by some minor detail and went on a rant rage . Realizing what happened you apologized to your family and decided to go on a walk to calm your self down .

To be honest you didn't know where you were going, and that irritated you , you always hated walking without having a specific location. But you kept on walking, one block , two blocks ,seven blocks ( yes I know how to count just in case you were wondering )

You suddenly found yourself at the playground, kids running around playing tag , parents chasing after their toddlers and oh no ! Teenagers messing around, personally you avoided people your age being an introvert was your thing and you always thought girls and guys your age were annoying. Always giggling and shamelessly flirting with each other , like damn might as well make out in public .

Which was exactly what was happening, not the making out part , three girls had surrounded this one guy that was dressed in all red , a bold fashion statement, batting their eyes and twirling their hair , rolling your eyes you tried to ignore it .
As you walked on you felt as if someone were watching you , turning your head to the left to look back you only saw the three girls standing there pouting and the mysterious guy had vanished. Well that's odd you thought to yourself. Turning your head to the right you nearly jumped sky high to find the guy that those girls were flirting with walking next to you .

" WHAT THE ?! How ?" You took a fighting stance , in fight or flight it was clear what option was your default , you sighed and shoved your hands in your pockets " I'm sorry who are you and why are you walking so close to me ? " you asked with slight annoyance .

" Wait you don't know who I am ?!" The guys eyes widened with complete shock .

You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his actions " Um no , and that doesn't answer my question " you shot back , crossing your arms .

" I'm Kai Smith ", a smirk instantly appering on his face " and for now you are my partner ."

You opened your mouth to object thinking how dare he even suggest that ? We don't even know each other! But before you could get the words out he shushed you, instantly making an unamused expression appear on your face .

"Please just go with it ", he begged " as much as I love it when people fawn over me I really don't want to deal with it today ! I promise I will pay you back later ."

" Or you can do it now ", you now smirking " I think some free ice cream sounds good right about now ."

" What ?! No way ! I said I would pay you back not treat you to ice cream! " he stated while giving you a slight glare.

" Well then no deal , it looks like these girls will be bugging you all day " , you started walking again.

" Ok fine ! " he quickly runs up to you and throws his arm around your shoulders.

Sighing you just ignore the fact that this guy is using you just to get away from some girls but then again you were using that to your advantage to get ice cream so in a way it was a win win situation .

On the way to the ice cream shop you had actually started talking to him to your surprise, your plan was to get ice cream and go home but you actually found yourself enjoying talking to this guy . Next thing you knew both of you were telling jokes and laughing . Both of you even started talking about your lives ( Kai leaving out the fact that he's a ninja )
You hated to admit it but you were actually having fun , sure you did have friends but not a lot . After he finished one of his jokes you laughed and felt your phone buzzing inside your pocket.

"Crap ! It's a text from my parents , they're freaking out because I should have been home an hour ago " you groaned in annoyance.

" Hey I could walk you home if you would like ", he nudged your shoulder as he spoke.

" I don't know , can you handle me for that long ?" you giggled.

" Hey if I can handle my sister I can handle you ", that's when he grabbed your phone and heald it over his head.

" Hey ! Give that back !! " you yelled.

" Haha nope ! " you looked at his jacket pocket and saw his phone, quickly grabbing it.

" Hey that's not fair ! " he pouted.

" Then give me back my phone ", you demanded.

" Not until I put my number in your phone ", he said while pushing you away " and while I'm at it why don't you put your number in mine ?"

" Will you give me my phone back if I do ?"you narrowed your eyes .

He smugly replied " Maybe, I will have to think about it ."

You elbowed him in the stomach and then added you to his contact list.

" There I'm done now give it back !"

" Fine here you go shorty ."

" What ever spikey , now stop messing around I need to get home !"

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