Seccond Chance ? - Jay

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( don't ask XD )

" (Y/n ) are you sure your ok ? "

" ...... Yea ...... I'm fine " she hugged onto her knees and cried silently .

I sat down next to her and hugged her .

What ended up happening was we found Leon and his gang , although it wasn't his gang and he was just a member . But the others fought other gang members which left me alone with Leon . In short the others had to pry me away from beating the crap out of Leon .  Everything went back to normal and no one was hurt .... physically that is .....

" He was my best friend..... and he used me " she managed to say in between sobs .

" I know .... I'm sorry he took advantage of you like that , I'm just glad your ok , it could have been worse "

" I don't think so Jay "

" Don't waist your tears over that jerk , he's not worth your tears "

" Your wrong " she sniffed " Everyone I cry over is worth my tears "

" How so ? "

" Everyone I cry over was precious to me but it was my fault for believing that I was precious to them "

Well that was deep , how the heck am I supposed to answer back to something like that ?!

" but to be completely honest I cried over you way more than I cried over Leon ...."

" But I do care about you "

" Lets not go there please "

" I didn't know he was that important to you , I know that you hold people close to your heart , so it's easy for people to stab you in it by anything they do .... I'm sorry because this is mainly my fault. "

" It's not your fault Jay , you came and saved me after I treated you like dirt , if anything I owe you ......"

" No you don't, the only thing I could wish for is your safety "

............. *kiss*

S-she kissed my cheek ?! It's been forever since she's done that ! I looked over at her with wide eyes and a deep blush on my cheeks .

" You ...... you still have feelings for me don't you ? " she tilted her head to the side .

I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't say anything out of fear of rejection , so instead I just nodded my head and gulped .

" What about Nya ? "

" She could never replace you , I will always have a special place in my heart for her but it's you that has taken the rest of my heart ........ crap that sucked didn't it ? "

She giggled " A little , but your attempt at romance was cute "

" Thank you ? "

" Your welcome, but you are a dork "

" What did I do now ?! "

" You still haven't asked me if I want to go out with you again "

" ....... DO YOU ?! " O////O

" What kind of question is that ? " she smiled and laughed a little .

" D-do you wanna go out with me again ? "

"........ No "

" What ?! " I teared up , are you kidding me ?! That just hurts ! Did she do this to torment me ?! Has Leon taught her his ways ?!

(Y/n) hugged me and kissed me cheek again " I was kidding you big dork , of course I want to go out with you again . How can I not love the guy who saved my life ? "

............. errrrr ...... what do i say ? " I love you ( Y/n ) ! " ..... yea that works ....

" I love you too Jay "

A/N : Ta da ! It's short and took me forever to write ! Sorry about dat :/ but as you all know , I don't like Jay so yea XD that and I've been busy working both jobs and it's killing me 😒 I love the job that pays less but absolutely HATE the job that pays better . Why me ?! 😣 also help ! I think I'm turning into a girl ! Well I am one but what I mean is I think I'm maturing a little because I'm starting to think clothes are cute ! I SPENT 300 FREAKING DOLLARS ON CLOTHES ! Someone save me from turning into a girl ! It's terrifying !

Thank u for listening to me being.... well me and thanks for reading and hope u liked . :P

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