Daddy - Zane

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" I got it ! " you yelled to Zane as you ran to the door to answer the consistent knocking .

" Hello ? " you opened the door to no one there , or so you thought . You heard someone gasp from a lower level than you . Looking down you saw two little boys .

" She's wearing white pants ! That's terrible ! They can get dirty so easily ! " the boy with lighter colored hair pulled out wipes from his backpack and wiped off a small speck of dirt from your leg ..... my god , someone's more of a clean freak than Zane .

" Hi ! Is this where the ninja live ? " the other one with darker hair and a bandage on his cheek spoke up .

" Uh yes , are you boys ok ? Do you need help ? Are you in danger or lost ? "

" No , we want to be ninjas ! " he cheered .

" O-oh ?  Honey, where are your parents ? "

" They aren't here ..." the light haired boy pulled away from your leg , squirting hand sanitizer in his hands .

" So are you lost ? The white ninja and I can help you find them "

" No that's ok ! We ran away ! We don't wanna go back ! I'm Takane ! " he had a huge smile on his face , apparently proud that he ran away . He then pointed at the other one " That's Taki , he's my twin brother !"

You glanced at Taki and saw him putting on latex gloves ." Uh .... Zane dear , I need you "

" What is it (Y/n)- .... Why hello there " he smiled and squatted down to their level " who are you two ? "

Takane jumped onto Taki nearly knocking them over " I'm Takane ! The oldest , Smartest and handsomest Twin ! "

Zane chuckled " That's quite the introduction young man "

Taki squealed and pushed Takane off of him then threw his jacket on the floor , spraying it with Lysol ....This kid wants to be a ninja ? Quickly stealing a glance at Zane you saw he looked equally as perplexed as you were .

" This is Taki .... " you decided to speak up for him since he was .... occupied at the moment , doing so you also explained the situation to Zane .

Zane frowned " Boys, why would you run away ? "

Taki and Takane both looked at each other and frowned , Takane was the one to speak up " W-we have ten siblings , not including us , and our parents are divorcing... we don't want to choose who to live with .."

" ten siblings ?! " too much!

Taki nodded " Takami is the oldest "

Takane Butted In suddenly " HES AWESOME ! I Idolize him ! He's smart and cool and strong and he's so tough ! I wanna be like him when I get older ! "

Taki shot his twin a glare then continued ."Then Taichi and Takashi then it's Krystin, Carly , Rei and Mirai ,Takane and I , Emily , Madison and our baby brother Sora , three sets of twins , eight males and four females"  Taki then put on a face mask with a cat nose , mouth and whiskers on it .

( I actually know 3 family's irl that have 10 kids ....I think I'd rather hang myself )

Zane frowned even more " I see , but running away is never the answer , come inside boys " The boys followed you both inside . At this point it was already late, so you let the boys sleep in your room while you slept in Zane's bed with him .

( next day )

when you woke up Zane wasn't in bed with you , you looked at the clock that read 9:27 am , beside the clock was a plate with breakfast on it and a little sticky note from Zane .

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