Seccond chance - Cole

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" Sweet Dreams Cole " Lance replyed cloldly as he had his finger on the trigger about to shoot me .

A loud Bang and everything went black ......











I opened my eyes and shot up in bed ...."It was .... just a Dream ? "

" No Cole I'm sorry to say that it wasn't . " (y/n)'s voice called out .

It was then that I realized that I wasn't in my room nor was I in a familiar room . I groaned hugging onto my stomach finally realizing how much pain I was in .  

" W-what happen-" before I could finish (y/n) hugged me .

" I'm so glad your alive ! This is all my fault ! "

" What do you mean ? It's not your fault "

" Yes it is , if I didn't start dating him then this wouldn't have happened, if I would've been less stubborn, if we would have never broken up ! This is all my fa-"

( Ur POV )

I had tears welling up in my eyes as I explained to Cole how this was all my fault. I'm the reason he's hurt and in the hospital. As I listed why it was my fault I was cut short by him pulling on my arm and kissing me .

H-he's kissing me ?! Why ?! I was too shocked to kiss back .

He pulled away slowly and hugged me .

" I'm so glad your ok (y/n) "

" Me ?! But what about you?! Lance attacked you not me ! "

" I know but what would he have done to you after he got rid of me ? I didn't want to know so I tried to take him on myself, which obviously didn't go very well "

........" Cole ..... why did you kiss me? "

" Heh , isn't it obvious ? I Love you ( Y/n ) "

" Why ?..... why don't you hate me ? It's my fault your in the hospital ."

" No it's not , last time I checked it was the idiot holding the gun , he put me in the hospital , speaking of which.... what happened ? "

"..... After I broke up with Lance , he got really mad and ran off , I was worried so I tried to find him . I heard a gun shot and by the time I arrived I saw that your side was bleeding and him pointing the gun at you . I was scared so I ran and pushed him away , he missed and you passed out from loss of blood . Apparently some neighbors called the police as soon as they heard the first gun shot so they arrested him before he could hurt me ."

" You ..... Saved my life " he smiled .

" How can you smile when I was almost the reason you died ?! "

" Because " he put his hand under my chin and lifted my face up so he could look me in the eyes " It wasn't your fault and you saved my life , I guess you can say I owe you my life for saving me "

" C-Cole , don't be ridiculous "

" I'm serious " he leaned in closer and kissed my forehead . ( 😝 ) He smiled when he pulled away " Your blushing "

" N-no I'm not ! " >///<

He kissed my cheek " So where's my get well soon cake ?! 😀"

" What ?! No way ! You need to eat stuff that will get your strength up . No sweets ! "

" B-but ( Y/nnnnnn ) " he wined .

" How about some get well soon broccoli ? "

" WHAT ?! I'm out ! " he started to get out of bed but I quickly pushed him down gently.

" Rest if you want cake , but you need to eat real food "

" Fine , but you have to visit me every day "

" I will "

" Promise ? "

" Promise "

A/n : Ta da ! Been a while since I wrote anything , sorry about that but having 2 jobs sucks , I'm always working or always sleeping but oh well , life is boring and if I can't have either adventure or romance in my life I might as well kill time by working until I die 😝 Hope you liked and thanks for reading and being patient when it comes to my lack of updates.

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